♡ 14

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seungmin squinted his eyes as he read over the pages of the book on the table in front of him, before shutting them tight in annoyance at the sound that pushed itself into his head.

he pursed his lips, trying his utmost best not to slam the book shut and shout at the boy across the table from him to shut the hell up and stop chewing on that gum, as he was in a library after all, and he hated noise with every bone in his body.

but soon enough, seungmin just couldn't take the dark haired boy's chewing any longer, and with an agitated huff, he closed the book and gave the other a glare that could kill him.

"hwang hyunjin."

the taller boy raised one eyebrow, his index finger lazily swipping over the screen of his phone. seungmin inwardly cursed whoever'd had the 'bright idea' of allowing students to use their phones in the library.

seungmin continued to stare at the other male, wanting to curse every single teacher and person in authority at this shitty high school (especially his journalism teacher mrs. lim) for pairing him up with the worst person ever to complete this stupid assignment.

"what?" hyunjin asked, popping the gum inside his mouth. he and seungmin couldn't have been any more opposite. while he was known to be loud and popular, his outfit choices consisting of more black than anything else, seungmin was more quiet and studious, and he was always seen with bright coloured clothing on him. so it didn't take rocket science to figure out they were going to have some problems getting along for this assignment.

"stop chewing your gum so loud and come help me with this assignment!" seungmin whisper-yelled, his glare deepening in its intensity. however, hyunjin was not fazed in the slightest, his eyeliner-ridden eyes blank and unwavering. that only angered seungmin even more.

"you can start with the introduction or whatever... aren't you supposed to be the smart one in this group?" hyunjin spoke, before lifting his phone up at an angle and taking a quick selca of his flawless face. it irritated seungmin how good the taller was at taking pictures. hwang hyunjin's presence as a whole irritated him.

"this is a group project, hyunjin!" seungmin explained, running his hands through his red hair repeatedly due to how frustrated he was getting. "a group project!"

hyunjin took more pictures of himself, each one with a slightly different expression than the last. "hey man. chill or whatever."

"how can i when you're just taking selcas while i'm over here looking through this book for a topic that we can use," seungmin groaned.

"well," hyunjin swipped through his phone again, his dark bangs framing his handsome face, "what ideas do you have?"

the shorter male gritted his teeth together. "well can you drop your phone for once and listen to me, please?"

"nah, i'm good."

"what the fuck are you doing on there anyways?" seungmin rarely ever cursed, but hyunjin was driving him crazy.

hyunjin barely picked up on the redhead's exasperated tone. "i'm on this pretty cool dating app called 'heart you', and i'm making an account. sweet right?"

"no, it's not sweet. hyunjin, we're at school! a place where we're supposed to learn and become better people for the future. and here you are, making an account for some dating app -- "

"it's not just 'some dating app', it's a gay dating app. basically a win for the gays," hyunjin explained, a huge smile growing on his face. "not that your straight ass would understand."

"okay, i've had enough." seungmin inhaled a deep breath, and in less than a second, he grabbed hyunjin's phone from his hand.

the taller male's smile morphed into shock, and when he tried to take his phone back, seungmin hid it under the table.

"seungmin!" hyunjin didn't even bother trying to keep his voice down. "give me back my phone!"

"not until you coorperate with me here." seungmin replied, his voice ice cold, as he meant business. he couldn't believe how hyunjin could act like such a brat at times.

for a moment hyunjin looked scared at seungmin's tone, but then he sighed and slanted his shoulders. he huffed. "...fine. what the fuck do you wanna talk about then?"

"so..." seungmin started, dropping the taller's phone into his back when he wasn't looking. "we have to talk about a social issue... something that has happened in the past, or is happening now."

hyunjin shrugged, picking at his nails. "whatever."

"do you have any ideas."

"pssh. no."

seungmin was determined not to let his group mate's words get to him. "what about that incident that happened a couple months ago. the one with the missing guys in september?"

"no one wants to talk about depressing shit, seungmin. i don't either."

"well what the fuck do you suggest we do then? but -- oh wait, you don't have any suggestions, right? of course," seungmin shot hyunjin a dry smile when the older's gaze met his, "it's not like you have anything tangible inside that empty pretty head of yours."

hyunjin's gaze hardened, and the younger had that unsettling feeling that he'd struck a nerve within the older teen despite still feeling nothing but anger at the moment. "fuck you, seungmin."

"it's not my fault you've got nothing other than your face working for you. everyone thinks so anyways," the redhead spat, his fury dictating his words for him when usually, he was never one to speak so harshly.

hyunjin's stern gaze dissipated, leaving dark eyes that grew reflective and blotched red cheeks. he stood up and grabbed his bag, extending his arm to the younger boy.

"give me my fucking phone," he commanded, his voice thicker than usual.

seungmin released the breath he didn't know he'd been holding, before shoving his hand inside his bag's opening and retrieving hyunjin's phone. guilt stabbed his chest at seeing the taller's teary eyes when he dropped his phone into the other's open palm.

seungmin watched as hyunjin marched out the library, not even bothering to apologize to the unfortunate girl he'd accidentally bumped into, and sighed to himself.

this was going to be harder than he'd thought. much harder.


a/n: thoughts so far?

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