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if there was something that changbin hated most in the world, it would have been waiting. he never liked waiting for things, as the anxiety that followed after that action was always unbearable. it also irked him to no end.

but here he was, leaning against his front porch as the skies dimmed over his head. he wrapped his arms half-heartedly around his torso, his scanning his nearly empty neighbourhood for the boy who made him feel emotions other than numbness.

"god, i thought you'd never show up," changbin spoke once his eyes fell on felix's hooded form, a smile growing over his features when the taller gifted him with a mischievous smirk. "what took you so long?"

"i wonder that as well. not that i have an overwhelmingly overprotective mother that'll kill me if she discovered i snuck out of the house at this time of night or anything," felix sarcastically replied. he pulled down the dark hoodie over his head, revealing a similarly dark beanie.

he pouted when changbin walked up to him and pinched his rosy cheeks.

"hey, no need to be so sarcastic," changbin muttered, eyes running over the contours of felix's face. now that he was close, he was able to witness the younger's adorable freckles, and his brows knitted at how pale he looked.

"what?" felix asked, his dark brown eyes staring intently at the older. that was one of the strangest things about him, changbin thought. while the taller male often laughed and joked a lot, his eyes were always stern and cold. it was like they were dead.

"why are you so pale?" changbin found himself questioning. he knew he was breaking his promise by asking felix another one of his personal questions, but he just couldn't help himself. everything that had happened thus far between them, changbin'd tried to understand, but sometimes he found himself slipping up.

felix's smile fell, and he shrugged. "oh, you know, i had to walk. really takes up my already depleted energy."

"as if you expect me to believe that."

"look," felix fixed changbin with a hard stare. "you already know i'm not human anymore. what else do you want?"

"i still want to know more about you, other than that you aren't human and you need new bodies to survive."

felix's frown deepened, and his jaw tensed. "you should really keep your voice down. if you wanna hear anything new, then let's go inside at least. i'm not comfortable being out here in the open."

changbin bit his lip. "right. okay."

but when they entered, they didn't really touch on the subject matter any longer. at least, felix made sure they didn't, in that sweet distracting way of his that always annoyed changbin yet made him crave more at the same time.

they spent the time watching a movie like most people did, only that they weren't like most people. in the midst of watching the film and feasting on a couple snacks like the food lovers they both were, felix had managed to snuggle next to changbin, laying his head on the shorter's chest while laughing at something funny that happened on the tv.

changbin could only stare at him, because he liked this. he liked this a lot. loved the feeling felix gave him, as it'd never been like anyone else's.

he curled a bit of felix's faded pink hair around his finger, before placing it behind the shell of his ear. a faint red splattered over the younger's pale freckled skin.

changbin's thumb smoothed over his cheek. "how are you so adorable when you're so tall? you're like a big baby."

"i take offense to that," felix replied. "and, i only got like this after i turned. and the pale skin as well."

"so are you like a... vampire, or something?"

felix laughed, but shook his head. "nope. but it would've been dope if i was."

"then... what are you exactly? i mean, i won't judge. i've seen weirder stuff in my lifetime," changbin explained, not liking how felix's body stiffened underneath his hold.

felix didn't verbally reply. instead, he leaned in and planted his lips on top of changbin's, which definitely caught the older male off-guard. but he didn't pull away, even when he knew the younger was just doing this to get his mind off from what he asked.

their kiss barely lasted seconds, yet it had been successful in driving changbin's focus off the main goal, which had been to acquire more information about felix. it always went about this way. whenever the younger did something like this, it was easy for the male to get wrapped around his dainty little finger.

"you know what they say," felix began, poking changbin's cheek. "curiosity kills the cat."

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