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[ '🔴seobin11' has sent you a private message ! ]

seobin11: leef15, i think i need your help

leef15: it better be
for something good 😤

seobin11: of course it is

leef15: then what is it?

seobin11: my friend kibum, he's hosting a party at his house this saturday

seobin11: and i know its gonna be big since his parties are always extra

seobin11: not that you'd know much about parties aHeM

leef15: fuck you seobin11,
and all your crappy
ancestors and their sheep
to hell and back

seobin11: that's a...unique insult

leef15: well i tried

leef15: but seriously, why are you telling me about some party when i already told you i dont go to parties??

leef15: its like you're trying to rub salt on my wound

seobin11: that's not what i'm trying to do, i promise

seobin11: i just need your help on choosing the right shirt

leef15: ...wow.

seobin11: there's this girl that's gonna be attending

leef15: ew girls

seobin11: aS i wAs sAyinG

seobin11: i met her in this app (she's bi), heard she's gonna be at the party as well, and i think she //may// be interested in me

leef15: why are you
telling me this 😞

seobin11: because i trust you

seobin11: and i think you mAy have a good eye for fashion *jazz hands*

leef15: ...right.

leef15: what've you
got, then?

seobin11: she told me she likes red, and i've got two shirts that i think she'd like to see on me

seobin11: one is a dark red, and the other is maroon coloured

leef15: ...


seobin11: *gAsP* you have disappointed me

leef15: they're probably
the same shade, just
choose one oh my god

seobin11: but i want to choose the one that'll let her know i'm available, but not like in a 'committed relationship' type of way. i'm only down for a fling

leef15: i am like the worst
person to be asking this from

seobin11: i'm starting to realize that now

leef15: 😑

leef15: just choose the maroon one or something

leef15: even though i'm pretty sure the girl wont even care whatever shirt you decide to put on

seobin11: thanks babe!

leef15: that's gay

seobin11: but i aM gay (half gay, but still)

leef15: whatever. are you gonna wear the maroon shirt or not?

seobin11: i think i'll take your word for it. maroon's pretty nice

leef15: and it covers up a lot of spills as well

seobin11: what?

leef15: like drinks and stuff

seobin11: ohh, yeah

seobin11: but i dont plan on making any spills that night|

seobin11: but i dont plan|

leef15: looks like i'm not
the only one who
hesitates while texting

seobin11: shut up

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