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leef15: you promiseyou'll keep it a secret right?

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leef15: you promise
you'll keep it a secret right?

seobin11: of course

leef15: my brother

leef15: he died because
i killed him

seobin11: what?

leef15: i hate talking about it, but his death was my fault. if i hadn't hesitated, if i'd been more brave, he'd still be alive

seobin11: wait, how did he die?

leef15: burning house.

leef15: i was thirteen at the time. i'd been forgetful. i liked playing with fire a bit too much, and forgot about the matches. then the house was in flames, and everything became a blur after that

seobin11: oh my god

seobin11: i'm sorry

leef15: all this was my fault. i'd been clumsy and idiotic as always

seobin11: were your parents around then?

seobin11: was your mom around?

leef15: they were out. i cant really say more about
the details, sorry.

seobin11: god, i'm really sorry about that

seobin11: so, so sorry

seobin11: i really shouldn't have asked

leef15: i shouldn't have told you about this either

leef15: but i really wanted you to know that i do trust you

leef15: you can't say this to anyone else, even if we do
end up meeting later on

seobin11: i wont. i promise

seobin11: felix?


[ '🔴anon1520' has sent you a private message ! ]

anon1520: listen felix. you better get someone new soon or you're gonna be in trouble

leef15: you really think i don't already know that?

leef15: dont fucking
text me again.

anon1520: i'd keep my mouth shut and just do as i was instructed if i were you

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