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seobin11 (profile picture public)

seobin11 (profile picture public)

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joined: 1 year ago

friends: 1,790

status: 🔴online

bio description:
a social tuff yet cute boi.
request for me to add you if you
wanna talk, promise i
won't bite :)

[ '🔴leef15' has requested for you to add them ! ]
yes | no

[ '🔴leef15' has sent you a private message ! ]

leef15: okay thAt was easy

leef15: and you accepted so quickly too

leef15: i feel honoured

seobin11: well don't be stranger

seobin11: i just happen to feel VERY bored tonight

leef15: well, i'll take what i can get!

leef15: and, why are you so bored?

leef15: you seem to have a lot of friends online :P

leef15: okay, i sWear i wasnt being creepy, i promise. it literally shows the amount
of 'friends' you have
on your profile

seobin11: dont worry, you weren't being very creepy, dear stranger

seobin11: and i rarely talk to people on here anyways

seobin11: my irl friends ditched me tonight to go on some stupid date

seobin11: i didnt go with them because i dont want to be a #thirdwheel

leef15: awh, thats too
bad then :((

leef15: but i'm sure
there's a lot of people
on this dating site that
you can talk to

leef15: like me :D

seobin11: i dont know if that should make me feel better or worse...?

leef15: oof

leef15: that hurt my
cold black heart

seobin11: being a savage is all part of my charm, babe

leef15: and it seems to be working, especially with the amount of friends you have

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