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hyunjin: please hurry up

hyunjin: please please hurry

seungmin: stay calm, alright? i'm already in the car. had to convince my dad that i was only going out for a night drive and not attending some high school party

hyunjin: not to freak you out or anything, but the lights just switched off

hyunjin: wait, nevermind

hyunjin: it was just me accidentally turning it off

hyunjin: god i'm so nervous

seungmin: call me

seungmin: i cant text while driving

incoming call from 'hyunjin'
yes | no

"i feel really really stupid for doing that. calling the guy 'lee felix', i mean. he never confirmed nor denied anything, but he didn't act suspicious in any way. but -- but now, i feel really fucking paranoid."

"i'll be there soon, okay? take a few deep breaths and stay in one place."

"where are your parents?"

"they're working late, as usual. no one's at home apart from me. just freaking convenient, isn't it?"

"you won't be alone much longer, hyunjin. where are you right now?"

"in my room. i'm too scared to step out."

"you know you have to open the door for me when i get to your house, right?"


"i'll let you know when i'm close."


seungmin focused his eyes on the dark road, trying his best to concentrate even when his heart was racing and his head was filled to the brim with countless thoughts. he felt on edge the more distance he covered, and the gradually darkening weather did nothing to ease his worries.

don't worry, seungmin. hyunjin will be fine.

despite only getting to know each other just recently, seungmin still felt incredibly protective of the elder. their friendship had bloomed in the strangest of circumstances, but seungmin treasured it all the same. he didn't want hyunjin in danger.


"are you still there?"


seungmin couldn't blame hyunjin for feeling a bit afraid at this hour, especially with all the trees around. at daytime, they looked magnificent, their green leaves large and healthy, but it seemed tonight that they'd been stripped of all their redeeming properties.

seungmin felt like those trees were growing larger and larger, at a faster pace than he could even drive, and the sight of their numerous dark leaves sent chills racing up his spine.

his breath hitched when hyunjin sharply inhaled.

"what -- what is it?"

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