♡ 17

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the first thing changbin noticed when he stepped into his friend's house that night was how loud everything was.

but then again, it wasn't anything he wasn't already used to.

the bass of the music thumped through the gigantic house and its numerous halls, and the stench of alcohol enclosed the livingroom space. changbin grunted. he'd always had a dislike for alcoholic drinks in general.

"hey changbin!" kibum's excited, yet slightly slurred voice called through the magnitude of people gathered at the livingroom of the house alone. he was soon in front of the shorter male, his hand affectionately patting changbin's shoulder. his lips curled up into a big grin. "glad you could make it! hope you'll enjoy the party!"

changbin didn't have any difficulties flashing kibum a wide smile in return. over the years, it'd become increasingly easier to mask his true emotions with an all too believeable smile. nobody could question his motives with that smile on.

"of course i will," changbin replied, polite as always. "it's your party after all. i wanna enjoy myself tonight."

"that you'll do," kibum nodded. he looked sober for the most part, but changbin knew he was going to be completely drunk with a couple more shots.

"let's go get some drinks together," changbin spoke, gesturing to the mostly empty kitchen, save for the couple that were at the corner actively making out. "i bet they won't mind."

"i don't know man... i can't get super drunk because i don't want some fucktard breaking some expensive shit or something," kibum murmured, but changbin had already advanced towards the cupboards, pulling out two vodka bottles in the process.

"come on," changbin urged with a reassuring smile. he knew kibum enough to figure that the guy could get in his way tonight. even when he was drunk, he was alert as hell. "i need a drinking partner, and you're a close friend of mine."

"duuude, you need to find some new friends," kibum slurred, but he was already taking a bottle from changbin's hands. "you can't always be following me around."

changbin tried hard not to roll his eyes. "i do have friends, kibum."

"yeah, your 'online friends'." kibum laughed at his poorly made joke, and that was when changbin realized just how annoying kibum could get when he was drunk off his ass.

nevertheless, he smiled as he watched kibum take a couple sips from the bottle.

come on, come on, come on, changbin thought as he watched kibum drink his vodka at the pace of a pregnant snail. "hey, tell me about that hot chick you managed to snatch up last friday."

"oh," kibum's dark eyebrows crinkled, "you mean heejin?"

changbin nodded, satisfied when kibum drank some more. "yep."

and then kibum started talking about her, and in his distracted state, changbin had managed to sneak in his bottle as well, watching in amusement as kibum gradually downed everything down. he was impressed at the older's resilience.

"dude, you should totally go talk to her. i bet she's somewhere in the house right now," changbin suggested, taking the bottles from kibum's hands and placing them beside the kitchen sink. he hadn't even taken a single sip. "come on, i'll help you find her."

kibum slowly nodded. by now his face had turned a rosy shade, and his movements were barely coordinated. he only managed to take few steps with changbin's help before finally collapsing on a nearby couch, clearly knocked out.

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