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['🔴seobin11' has sent you a private message ! ]

seobin11: goodnight angel :)

leef15: creep

seobin11: so this is what i get for being a nice guy

seobin11: smh

leef15: i'm not totally comfortable with pet names, and we're just friends

seobin11: i can call you 'angel' or 'babe' and have it be totally platonic. it's literally not a big deal

leef15: yeah, but

seobin11: but what?

leef15: nothing.

seobin11: i'm pretty sure it isn't 'nothing' though

leef15: just drop it

leef15: why'd you text me in the first place?

seobin11: can't i want to talk to you?

seobin11: or are you starting to get bored of me

leef15: its not that

seobin11: you sound pissed

leef15: it's nothing, okay?

leef15: lets talk about
something else. please.

seobin11: okay

seobin11: well...what's the most random thought you can ever think of at this second

leef15: have you ever thought
of killing someone?

seobin11: woah. okay

leef15: sorry. i'm being
weird again.

seobin11: uhm...when i was younger, these ducks used to waddle at the pond close to my house

seobin11: they annoyed me, since they used to be so loud, quacking every single second with their annoying ass voices

seobin11: i never really liked them

leef15: you didn't find them cute?

seobin11: i found them creepy

seobin11: so one day when i arrived home from school, one of them got really close to me. it was big and mean looking so i kicked it. it fell and got hurt, but that really felt satisfying, for some reason

seobin11: prior to that moment i'd been feeling some pent up frustration due to how my parents were treating me, as well as my low grades at school

seobin11: so it felt nice when i'd exerted all my anger at the duck. i felt better afterwards, even though i bet you think its weird

leef15: you basically used the animal as a punching bag

seobin11: you make it sound worse than it actually is

leef15: i really can't think of it as anything good, even though i know it wasn't really your fault

leef15: i can never hurt animals. i love them too much

seobin11: some animals are cute, i guess

seobin11: but what about you? have you ever thought of killing someone?

leef15: kind of...

leef15: back in australia before i moved during fifth grade, there was this guy in my class then called bob

leef15: and i found him cute

seobin11: oh my god wtf 😂

seobin11: you liked a bob lmaoo

leef15: shUT UP and let me continue

seobin11: aight

leef15: so i liked the guy or whatever, thought he was cute with his curly brown hair and green eyes even though he was a jerk a majority of the time

leef15: i already knew he was never going to be interested in me in that way, but that didn't stop me from accidentally calling him 'cute' during p.e.

leef15: and then when he heard it he looked so grossed out and yelled at me to stay away from him. people saw and, like every dumb kid that thought they were cool, they started to laugh at me. i already wasn't popular in school, so that was the cherry on top of the shitty cake

seobin11: that's horrible. if i was there i would have kicked them in the face

leef15: changbin, you can't kick something everytime you face problems

seobin11: yes i can, and i will

leef15: sigh

leef15: anyway, right then, i felt like killing bob. i was obviously angry at him, and he was a huge jerk.

seobin11: but you didn't act on that urge

leef15: obviously not. but i really wanted to. he really made my life hell before i left australia.

seobin11: if you were 100% certain you'd never get caught, would you have done it? would you have killed him?

leef15: since i felt like he deserved it, yeah

leef15: sorry, this is getting weird

seobin11: its not

seobin11: i like learning more about you and about your reactions to certain things

seobin11: its kinda fun

leef15: you're such
a weirdo lol

seobin11: thats what makes me much more interesting

seobin11: also, if i angered you, would you kill me? or maybe choke me and tie me up and whip me?

leef15: okay wtf

leef15: this is getting terrifyingly kinky. are you on something?

seobin11: chill, i was just joking

leef15: thats a weird joke
to be making

seobin11: i'm weird

leef15: and you're a perv as well. don't forget that

seobin11: says the one who liked a bob

leef15: sHuSh


a/n: unexpect the expected to expect the unexpected expected that you unexpected to expect :)

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