Nursery Craft

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"Mummy look!" poppy squeals as she runs into the lounge where Nikki was writing Christmas cards.

"What have you got baby?" Nikki asks as she notices poppy carrying a rather large folder.
"She wanted to show you her crafts from nursery." Jack explains kissing Nikki as he sits beside her on the sofa.
"Groossssss." Poppy whines as she opens the folder and pulls out some cards she had made at nursery passing them to her mother.
"these are amazing pops, did you do them all yourself?" Nikki asks watching as poppy nods her head. Nikki's eyes return to the card in her hand which has a Santa design on the front made from poppy's handprint.

"I done understand how the get her to do this without her wriggling all over the place." Jack laughs looking through more of the crafts.
"They use a magic spell." Nikki tells him.
"Do it now or there is no dinner kind of thing?" Jack smirks.
"We will never know." Nikki laughs.
"Look they've put in an end of year report." Jack smiles drawing Nikki's attention away from what she was currently looking at.
"What does it say?" Nikki asks as Jack reads the report.

"Poppy is a happy little girl whose speech is coming on in leaps and bounds. She is exceeding her age bracket and has an impressive vocabulary for her age. Poppy is a very pleasant child who like to help carry out small tasks during the day and loves receiving special stickers for her help. Poppy is becoming steadier on her feet as she is beginning to run instead of walk" Jack reads out loud.

"Well that sounds like our little superstar!" Nikki smiles proudly as she watches poppy toddle from one end of the room to the other.
"Mummy!!" poppy squeals as she runs over to Nikki.
"Steady pops." Nikki laughs cuddling her daughter. "come on, lets go and get your dinner." Nikki smiles as she scoops poppy up and begins carrying her into the kitchen.
"You shouldn't be doing that." Jack tells her as he watches her put poppy in the highchair.
"We've been over this, it's not going to do any harm at this stage, believe me. I'm a doctor." Nikki laughs as she walks over and cuddles Jack.
"I know I just don't wont you putting too much pressure on yourself." Jack smiles.

Nikki takes Poppy's food out of the over and sets it to cool before giving it to her. As she is helping Poppy with her food Jack gets an email through on his laptop.
"You are kidding?" he sighs looking at the laptop.
"What is it" Nikki asks looking up from Poppy.
"We're both on call on Christmas day!" Jack tells her.
"What? I mean it's alright as long as no one dies but I doubt people aren't going to pause their death so we can have a nice peaceful Christmas." Nikki sighs putting a hand on her forehead and running it through her hair.
"Can't you speak to Hr or something?" Jack questions as he begins typing away.
"You know I have no say in the rotas. I can send an email but I doubt they will be able to cover it, everyone with children will want the day off." Nikki tells Jack.
"I guess, urgh. It's just so annoying, two weeks until Christmas and we have to have a back up plan." Jack frowns.
"I know. I know. It's not ideal but we'll make it work." Nikki smiles.

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