In the Good Books, Finally

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The following morning Nikki wakes early due to Maddison whining awaiting her early morning feed, Nikki sits up and swings her legs over the side of the bed, she glances over her shoulder at Poppy who is fast asleep in her bed still. Nikki shuffles forwards on the bed and her feet are met by the cold wooden floor beneath her.
Nikki looks down at Maddison in her Moses basket and smiles, "Shh baby, I won't be a second" Nikki smiles as she reaches for her dressing gown, she slips into it and then scoops Maddison out of the Moses Basket and heads downstairs with her.

She walks into the lounge to see Jack still lying on the sofa with Poppy's 'Frozen' fleece blanket draped over his torso. She smirks to herself a little before walking into the kitchen and turning the kettle on, Maddison soon starts to properly cry and Nikki and reaches out and grabs her top. Although she is only a month old she knows exactly where her feeds come from.

Nikki sits down in the kitchen and rolls her top up and brings Maddison close, she instantly latches causing Nikki to wince as she has never reacted like that to being fed before. "Hungry are you baby girl?" Nikki coos.

She sits there for a while and gently pats Maddison's back, "You are so beautiful" She coos as a wave of emotion rushes across her, she tries to blink away the tears that are forming in her eyes but finds the tears streaming down her face as she looks down at her beautiful baby girl, that she is still trying to get over that she created such a beautiful human.

She continues to sit there and cry over her daughter who is feeding away with not a care in the world, "What's wrong with you?" a voice comes from behind her, she jolts slightly and looks over her shoulder to see Jack leaning against the door frame, arms crossed in just his black boxers which doesn't leave much to the imagination.

Nikki shakes her head and wipes her eyes before getting up with Maddison in her arms and sorting her cup of tea out. Jack sighs and gives in and walks over to her, he wraps his arms around her waist and rests his head on her shoulder.
"Come on Nik, Look I'm sorry" He smiles.

They remain still for a moment and he then places a kiss on her neck, "You're such a big idiot!" Nikki smirks before relaxing back into him.

"I love you Nik" He smiles and kisses her neck a few more times before glancing down at Maddison in her arms, "She had you up much?" He asks and slips his arms to her stomach and holds her close.

Nikki shakes her head "Twice, Poppy has had me up more, She hasn't been feeling well, I've left her to sleep in."

He nods and kisses her cheek, "Let me get them sorted today, you have some time to yourself," Jack replies as Nikki moves Maddison away as she has fallen asleep feeding and pulls her top back down, She then places Maddison on her shoulder and gently pats her back.
Jack looks at Maddison and kisses her head as she lies over Nikki's shoulder. "Do you want her?" Nikki asks as she turns around to face him.

Jack nods and takes Maddison off Nikki, "Hey Maddy," Jack smiles and carefully cradles her as Nikki passes her over.
"Don't call her that Jack..." Nikki smirks and walks off and heads upstairs for a shower.

While Nikki is in the shower Jack attempts to wake Poppy although she does wake but instantly drops back to sleep still in her parent's bed, He feels her forehead before grabbing the thermometer from Nikki's bedside drawer and takes her temperature. He waits for the reading which comes back as 38.7, he then wakes her again and gives her some Calpol before tucking her up in their bed and kissing her head before heading back downstairs.

Soon Nikki comes back downstairs to see Jack sat on the floor playing with Maddison who is lying on the sensory mat. "Poppy is still asleep" Nikki sighs as she ties her hair up into a messy ponytail and sits on the sofa.

"Yeah I took her temperature, 38.7, I've given her some Calpol and let her sleep it off. Probably a viral or something" Jack smiles as he turns and coos at Maddison who gurgles slightly and kicks her legs up in a more controlled movement than normal.

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