Don't need to ask Twice

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8:30 am.
Jack and Nikki have both just arrived for the early shift at the Lyell before they arrived they dropped Poppy off at Jack's Dad's flat as Poppy's nursery doesn't open for a few days after New Year.
"Good morning, you pair are looking bright-eyed and bushy-tailed this morning... did you have a good new year?" Clarissa smiles as her colleagues entre the Lyell.
"Just the usual, a few drinks in front of the TV, watching films and preying to god Poppy stays asleep" Jack smiles placing his stuff down at his desk.
"Don't worry I wasn't drinking" Nikki replies with a smile.

Clarissa chuckles at her and nods, "So I take it you didn't do much last night" She says.
"No, not really, although we both god an amazing nights sleep... Poppy finally slept in her own bed for the night" Jack smiles happily.

"Best type of night sleep... no two-year-old, with her feet in your face" Nikki smiles removing her jacket and sitting herself down at her desk and logging onto the system.

Jack smiles and sits back down in his chair and looks at Nikki with a smile, he liked the days where she would sit with everyone else in the offices and not hide away in her own office which is currently occupied by Thomas and what looks like a plain-clothed officer.

"I'm finishing at twelve today... HR said I am due some hours back, so I'm taking today... oh and I'm going to take Poppy to the park... Clarissa would you and Max be able to babysit tonight" Jack smiles.

Nikki sits up and glares at him, "Jack! I told you I want to be with Poppy tonight, I have told you this all morning" Nikki protests. Clarissa looks between the two trying to understand what is happening, Jack looks at Clarissa and winks. Clarissa smiles and continues to work while Nikki protests to Jack about why they should be at home this evening. "... Jack, I feel like I hardly see my daughter anymore... please just a couple of nights before I'm put back on the night-on call shifts" Nikki says finishing off her protest.

"Nope... it is date night, end of... anyway in six months time, you'll have all the time in the world with her and the baby as you are going to be taking the full twelve months this time aren't you Nicola?" Jack says raising an eyebrow.

Nikki sighs and rolls her bottom lip and bites it gently as she looks at him, "But it won't be the same" Nikki speaks.
"Woman... you're impossible" Jack laughs and the doesn't say no more as he continues to work on his forensics for one of Thomas's cases.

"Anyway... Max and I would gladly look after Poppy for you this evening, Max loves her" Clarissa smiles.

"Great! thanks" Jack smiles happily.
They all continue with their work and before long Nikki is called out to a crime scene with a different forensic scientist, While Nikki is at the crime scene Jack leaves work and goes to collect Poppy from his Dad's before taking her to the local park.

"Daddy! higher... higher!" Poppy squeals with delight as Jack continues to push the two-year-old in the swing. "Higher!" She continues as she holds on tight to the metal bar which is keeping her in place.

Jack laughs as he pushes her higher, "Hold on Poppy" Jack reminds her as he gets his phone out and records her squealing and giggling with delight before sending it to Nikki. "Smile for Mummy," Jack says as he tries to snap a nice picture of Poppy on the swing.

Once Poppy has had enough of the swings her lifts her out and places her on the floor, Poppy turns on her heels and runs for the slide, "Daddy help!" Poppy smiles as she clambers to the top of the slide.
Jack walks over and helps Poppy sit down on the slide and then she shuffles forwards and goes down the slide, she gets up and looks at Jack with a smile, she claps her hands and stamps her feet before rushing back around to the slide again before attempting to push a young boy around the same age as her away from the slide. "Poppy, we don't push, do we? now let this little boy go first... wait your turn" Jack smiles as he grabs her wrist and holds her back to let the little boy go down the slide.

"My turn! my turn!" Poppy squeals with excitement as she watches the boy slide down the slide, she climbs back up the steps and waits for Jack to come and meet her around the other side of the steps.
She grins at him as he once again helps her down onto the slip and does the exact same thing once she has gone down the slide, "Daddy again!" She squeals and runs around to join the little boy again.

"Once more Pops, then we need to get you home, Mummy wants to see you before we go out tonight" Jack smiles as Poppy waits for her turn and then gets up to the top of the slide and waits for Jack again and then heads down the slide.

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