Discussing Adult Things

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Narrator's POV

"How are we feeling today, Daniel?" Stephen asked, holding a clipboard in his hands.

"I don't wanna talk about it." Daniel said, hiding himself in Cheryl's arms.

Cheryl looked up to Stephen. "The bullying has gotten worse, so I had to withdraw him from school." She said.

Stephen sighed, shaking his head. "Daniel." Stephen said, putting a hand on the small boy's shoulder.

"Don't touch me! I'm a freak! Don't you see?" Daniel cried. "Look at me." Tears streamed down Daniel's face. "Nobody likes me! Nobody wants to look at me."

"Daniel, that's not true. I like you." Cheryl said.

"You only say that because you're my mother!" Daniel sobbed.

"I say that because I love you." She said. "I have been by your side through every surgery. I've stayed up many nights to make sure you're okay." She said. "You are my son, and I love you Daniel." Cheryl said. "With or without hair, you are still my son, and I love you."

Daniel sniffled. "Really?" He asked.

"I have gained every gray hair for you." Cheryl said. "And I'll keep on getting them until I look like an old woman just to stay by your side."

Daniel smiled at his mother. "You still look pretty with gray hair." He said.

"And you look so handsome without your hair." Cheryl leaned closer to Daniel and kissed his forehead.

This touched Stephen's heart.

Stephen smiled.

"Thank you." Daniel said. "But it'd still be nice to not have everyone look at me weird."

"Psh." Stephen scoffed.

Daniel and Cheryl looked at him.

"You're worried about how you look?" Stephen asked. "Just wait til they see me." He said, removing a look alike wig of his hair and revealing a bald line right down his head.

Cheryl gasped. "Dr. Strange, you didn't."

Daniel chuckled lightly. "You did that for me?"

"Of course." Stephen said. "Now everyone will be laughing and pointing at me." Stephen said. "Look at Dr. Strange! He's got a bald spot on his head." He said in a funny voice and pointed at himself, making a funny face.

Daniel laughed. "Thank you." He said.

Stephen smiled. "Anything for you, Daniel."

"Dr. Strange, thank you." Cheryl thanked him.


"Nooooooo!" Tony whined. "Your beautiful hair!" He said, looking at Stephen. "I was hoping it had only been a bad dream."

"Oh, calm down." Stephen said. "You're being over dramatic."

"Why?" Tony asked. "Why would you do me like this? How could you?"

"Tony, you should've seen the look on Daniel's face." Stephen said. "Seeing him like that really brought joy to my heart. He was so happy."

"You know what would bring joy to my heart?" Tony asked. "If your hair went back to normal."

"Done." Stephen said, waving his hand, making his hair come back.

"Oh thank god, it's not permanent." Tony sighed in relief.

"Hey, Tony." Stephen said, rubbing the back of his neck and looking down at the floor nervously.

"Yes?" Tony asked, looking in the mirror, checking himself out as well as looking at Stephen's beautiful hair while he talked.

God, his hair is so good. I should tell him that...

He looked at the white patches on the sides of Stephen's head, they were sexy.

"Tony are you listening to me?" Stephen asked.

Now's your chance! Tell him you like his hair.

Tony grew red in the cheeks, embrassed that Stephen had caught him off guard, thinking about his boyfriend.

Yeah they had been together for a while now, but Tony still had the biggest crush on his wizard and couldn't get over that phase.

"I have the plague." Tony answered quickly.

*internal screaming*

"Jesus Christ, Tony." Stephen said.

"Sorry, what were we discussing?" Tony asked.

"You know that one day we had dinner with Timothy and Olive?" Stephen asked.

"Yes." Tony said. "Oh, by the way. Timothy and I had a talk at the park while you were gone."

"Oh, you did?"

"Yes." Tony said. "We talked about what happened in past and decided it was best if we left it in the past."

"Oh. That's good." Stephen said.

"Yeah." Tony said, looking at Stephen's reflection in the mirror.

He looked nervous.

Tony turned to Stephen. "Is something wrong?" He asked.

"What?" Stephen looked up at him. "No, no." He said, his cheeks turning red. "I'm just..."

Tony paid close attention.

"Never mind." Stephen said. "It's a stupid idea." He said.

"No, no. Honey." Tony went up to Stephen, taking him by the hands and cupped his chin to look up at him. "I'm here to listen to you."

"No. It was just a dumb thought. It doesn't matter." Stephen said, looking away.

"I'm not gonna judge you, if that's what you're thinking. I would never." Tony said, placing a hand on Stephen's cheek.

Stephen gave him a small smile, small pools of tears forming in his eyes. He took one of Tony's hands and placed it on his side, handing him something.

Tony looked down at what Stephen had handed him.

It was a small seed.

Tony looked up at Stephen. "Honey."

"I know it's a lot to ask..." Stephen said. "...but when you mentioned it at dinner and when I heard how happy you sounded, I just... I don't know."

"Stephen." Tony said. "I mean, it's a big responsibility, and our lives are constantly full of danger. I don't know if this choice would be the smartest. We're a daily target for any sort of danger out there."

"I know Tony, but just imagine what this would bring to us. The way it would impact our lives." Stephen said. "I don't see why we shouldn't try."

"Because we would be putting a life in danger." Tony said. "I don't wanna put more death in my hands than I already have, and I don't think you do either."

That hit Stephen deep.

Tony looked at him, realizing what he had just said. "Stephen, I'm sorry. I didn't-"

"No, you're right." Stephen said, looking at Tony with a small smile, trying to hide the broken behind it. "It's too dangerous." He said. "It was a dumb idea, anyway." Stephen walked over to bed and undid the sheets, settling in.

"Honey, that's not what I..." Tony sighed. He walked over to the bed and joined Stephen, scooping him up and holding him in his arms, pressing his chest to Stephen's back. "I just don't think now is the time." He said, giving the back of Stephen's neck a gentle kiss.

Stephen staid silent.

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