New Life

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Five Years Later

        "Hey Cassie, can you toss me my leather jacket?" I smiled at my younger sister who it seemed like just yesterday had been so tiny and in need of my constant protection. Now she was around the same age that I was when I was professionally hot-wiring cars... they grow up so fast. Anyway, five years had passed with no contact from the team, not even Peter. I'd grown up with my stable, loving family and currently I was packing my stuff for college. Most of the big Ivy league ones had been shut down because of "the Blip" but there was a pretty decent university that had accepted me, that was also pretty close to home.

        "I'm really gonna miss you Sadie!" Cassie cried, pulling me into a tight hug. I laughed and hugged her back as I set my bags down. "The house isn't going to be the same without you!"

        "I'll be half an hour away Ladybug," I reminded her "and if you need anything, you can call me. More than likely I'll be awake and staring at the ceiling." Cassie giggled and hugged me one last time before stepping back and grabbing one of my bags. "We're just lucky Mom and Dad got all their goodbyes out yesterday before going on that trip." I said teasingly. "I don't know if I could handle any more tears."

        "Hey, I'm allowed to show emotion!" I rolled my eyes playfully as we dragged our bags out to my car. "Remember when you hot-wired that car to get us home that day?" Cassie reminisced. I hefted my bag into the trunk and nodded with a tiny smile.

        "I was months out of practice and that was still my fastest time." Cassie shook her head in amusement and shakily lifted my other bag to hand to me. "Remind me when I come home next time and I'll show you how to hot-wire one." I offered. "I can't just leave you with no bad influences."

        "Well you have time..." Cassie said slyly "and I really don't want you to leave. Can you show me now?" A grin spread over my face and I sprinted to the driver's seat to give an in-depth lesson on basic criminal activity 101.

        We were halfway through the lesson when it happened. Cassie had insisted she knew what to do and I traded places with her so she could go through the motions. As I watched her point out the wires and which ones to avoid, all my muscles tensed with a sense of danger. In one fluid motion, I pushed Cassie down in the seat, grabbed a gun under the seat, and whirled around to point it at a very surprised Scott Lang.

        "What the Hell?!" he shrieked, his hands immediately going up.

        "Scott?" I breathed out, shakily holding the gun up. Cassie heard me and practically lunged out of the seat, but I stopped her cold by slamming the door closed. This had to be a trick, he couldn't be back, he left with everyone else! At least, that's what we thought.

        "Sadie, oh my God, is that you?" the possibly Scott asked.

        "Maybe, tell me something I would know and then you'll get a real answer."

        "I call you Kiddo, you call my daughter Ladybug, and you tried to teach me how to do a handstand but I was shit at it," he reeled off. Tears were pouring down my face as I set the gun on the roof of the car and opened the door to let Cassie out. She tentatively stood beside me and looked at Scott.

        "Dad?" she whispered.

        "Hi Peanut," he said shakily. Cassie rushed at him and the two hugged each other tightly as they cried. When they broke apart, Scott immediately moved to hug me and I found myself curling into him and hugging him back. "It's ok Kiddo," he said softly as he smoothed my hair back. I stood up straight and brushed my tears away with a small smile before punching him in the chest.

        "Where were you Asshole?" I asked through my tears "It's been five years."

        "The Quantum Realm," Scott answered seriously "Hope, Janet, and Hank all disappeared and they, I guess couldn't pull me back out. Somehow just now, the control panel was triggered and I managed to come back. Has the team said anything? That's why you're leaving right? They found something and you're needed up there?" I exchanged a look with Cassie before turning back to face him.

        "Scott the team hasn't talked to me in five years. My bags and stuff? The reason I'm leaving? I'm going to college. Freshman orientation is in a week but I managed to get a really cute apartment and I want to move in before then." Scott was dumbfounded and he took another look at me.


        "Scott I'm nineteen. I had to grow up sooner or later."

        "But Sadie- I can bring everyone back!" Scott exclaimed "I have this idea involving the Quantum Real and time and I think Tony, your dad, can help me with it. You have to come with me to New York. They're your family, you can convince them this'll work."

        "Scott, my 'family' hasn't spoken to me in five years, especially my dad, who if I don't even know is alive at this point. They won't care about what I have to say, I'll only hurt your sales pitch not help it."

        "Sadie... please!" he begged, desperation clear in his eyes "I'll talk to the college board or something to explain where you are, but you have to do this. If we can bring everyone back, isn't it worth it?" We had a stare-down for a moment before I groaned loudly and grabbed my gun.

        "Get in the goddamn car before I change my mind."

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