day two hundred and two

246 12 2

i went to see my father today. he was quite nice to me but i could hear the strain in his voice. he was stressed, i could tell.

i haven't told him about the quirk i had inherited from all might, either. if he found out, he would flip! i wouldn't want that, especially when he's the only family i have left.

speaking of all might, i haven't seen him lately. he's been more absent at school. other than that, i'm still training myself to handle one for all's power. it's a tough task, but i know i'll pull through. aizawa sensei is back, but he's wrapped up in bandages like a mummy. i wonder how our class will behave like now that he's going to be teaching again. we had present mic whilst he was out on patrol, and let's just say there was a scream battle between kacchan and present mic. it was hillarious!

oh, i have to go now. bye!

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