day three hundred and fifty six

93 2 4

Nine Days To Go

"That little bitch, thinking he can just go around challenging me. He knows who I am, and he knows what I am capable of, yet he still challenges me to a pathetic little duel he would definitely lose." snarled All for One, slamming his clenched fist on the table. "What the fuck am I going to do? Kill him?"
     "I'm afraid so, sir." Kirishima whispered in response, gulping nervously. "It's the only way to keep yourself hidden and in power. If he makes a move first then-"
     "I can't kill him, Eijirou." growled the villain, lifting a hand to massage his forehead. "He's my son. What kind of father hurts his own son? And damn that courage. He's determined. He's just like his mother."

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