day two hundred and forty two

153 5 0

now playing:
this is home - cavetown
izuku's theme

my name is izuku midoriya, you may be reading this in the future. i would normally find out who read through this secret diary of mine and question them, tell them to mind their own business.

but, i won't, because i won't be able to do so.

i'm writing this note now, before all of the bad things happen. there are many things to come, i assure you. there are some good, some bad. some may shock you. i just, i just need to say one thing.

kacchan, i love you so much.

thank you for making me smile again. thank you for lighting up my world. thank you for everything you've done for me. thank you for making me see that there's a purpose in living.

it's my turn to repay you.

i'll give you my second gift.

i hope you'll like it.

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