day three hundred and forty two

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as the days passed, more of redemption's friends heard of the little gathering we held in izuku's room nearly every day. as long as we were careful and didn't get caught, we were good. instead of welcoming just dabi, we were welcoming shigaraki, the dude who needs three hundred and sixty five bottles of moisturiser, a whole tube of lipbalm and a grooming to soothe his wild hair which was usually tucked into his hood.

so, i brought along the least expected person to help me. good ol' shinso.

and shinso was totally fine with it, to my surprise. i thought he would have been like: woah what the fuck is going on here? ight, i'm out see y'all later in court motherfuckers-

nah. there was none of that.

this concludes the addition of two more members of redemption and i's party. shigaraki and shinso.

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