day three hundred and twenty

100 2 1

Katsuki didn't know what to do then and there. He could blast them off into space, but then there was a high probability he would be abducted again. Neither of those happened of course, and the rest was pretty straightforward. They just gave him a staredown and left. Todoroki was confused, everyone was shitting themselves and Katsuki himself wanted to know more about how they had knowledge on he and Izuku's relationship status. They never publicly announced it and only a select few knew about it. And why the sudden attack? They wouldn't attack without a reason. Maybe it was All for One? Redemption?

It was all unclear.

"What's wrong, Mr. Boom Boom Explosion Murder?" Huku giggled, leaning on the wall. "I haven't seen you look this gloomy in a while."
     "Shut the fuck up Huku. I'm trying to think." He groaned, leaning back into his chair. "How the fuck do they know about Izuku and I?"
     "I don't know. But I do know one thing," Huku muttered, walking over to Katsuki. He lifted the blonde's chin and with a smirk, looked into his crimson eyes. "Izuku wouldn't want you frowning like this. He'd want you to smile. So stop being so gloomy and get up! You need to find your future husband ASAP, and give him the biggest kiss ever."

And with that, Huku disappeared back into the diary.

[complete] the swan dive | the second diary - katsudekuOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant