day two hundred and twenty three

172 7 0

[The page is damp with tears.]

if i had the chance to turn back time, i would go back to my childhood. my sweet sweet childhood full of smiles and fun. oh how that has changed. i missed being able to hold kacchan's hand without a worry. i missed my mom's cooking. i miss having a family. all of that has been taken away now, kacchan is definitely ashamed of me. his subtle acts of kindess aren't enough to lock the demon away. mom is gone, and i miss her so bad. i just want to say sorry to her, for disappearing like that. for leaving her when she needed someone the most. it's all my fault that she died in agony.

i just,

i want to hug her and i want her to show me all might videos again. i want to taste the katsudon bowls she made. i want her to take me to the playground.

i know you don't do it usually, but oh, god...

please, please just give me my mother back.

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