day two hundred and sixty four

131 4 4

this informant of his is quite intruiging. though you may not know this yourself, you should be careful. you don't know who to trust anymore, bakugou. these friends of yours...they aren't as great as you seem. one of them will ultimately give you up to nizu's boss, and they will win. be careful of who you trust. you never know who will stay loyal and who won't.

I'm so sorry for lack of updates. I guess I've just been so lost lately. I just found out a couple of days ago that my cousin lost his battle to cancer, and god, it hurt so bad.

I want to write and dedicate a story to him in his memory. He loved exploring and trying new things. He was a really caring person.

That's the reason for my really short hiatus. I needed to recollect myself. But I'm back, and writing is something I use as a method to calm myself down when I'm stressed.

Thank you so much for being patient with me and for supporting my work all the way through.

Here's some cookies. 🍪

-desperatae ❄

[complete] the swan dive | the second diary - katsudekuTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang