Plane to chennai

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Sivanandhan and gayathiri were nervously walking to and fro in front of the airport. Sita was in the verge of tears as the boarding time is almost over and all they have got is just 10 minutes, but her sister is still not here. Ram and Dhanya were comforting her whereas Langesh tried to locate Janaki's whereabouts using her mobile.

There came a taxi out of which Janaki came out. She looked so tired from eyes, literally she looked like a walking zombie. Seeing her working on a very important day like this and also the fact that she didn't pick any calls from anyone made everyone angry. But sivanandhan was controlled by his wife as they are running out of time.

Ram couldn't control his temper seeing his butterfly in tears, he rushed towards Janaki to confront her. But before he could speak she took out her ES flashing it to him.

Ram without any change in his attitude spoke to her in horse voice in anger filled tone "move aside". Janaki who wasn't expecting this courage was taken aback. She spoke doubtfully by moving her ES towards him "what did you say, it wasn't audible?". Ram cleared his throat and told her the same without much change in his tone.

Her body betrayed her mind and moved aside seeing him so confident. Ram walked past her and gave a slap to Langesh's back who was immersed in his laptop and completely unaware of Janaki's presence. "Thayae.... endai kaaparugal" shouted Langesh in high pitch almost scaring the securities.

R: You stupid moron, it's already late. It will take 3 minutes for us to reach the boarding terminal and we have got only 8 minutes. Err.... We should unload madam's(Janaki) luggages also. But here you are playing PubG in your laptop.
Ram tired to cover up his fear for ES and pretended to be unaffected by seeing ES.
L: To play PubG in laptop we need Tencent Gaming Buddy emulator da. But I haven't installed it in my Lappy. I was just looking for...
R: Cut the crap partner, let's move.
Saying this Ram dragged confused Langesh towards the taxi. Poor Langesh was dragged like a puppy, this entire convo was noticed by Jaanu who stood by the gate waiting for her luggages. She let out a heartfelt chuckle which was noticed by Sita.

After they boarded the flight Dhanya, Janaki and Sita were given a triple seater. Sivanandhan and Gayathiri took a double seater cherishing the time they can spend together until they reach chennai, as once they reach there it's not going to be the same.

Two souls were disturbing the entire plane fighting for the window seat(yes sweethearts that's our boys Ram and Lingesh). Finally they compromised that Lingesh is taking the window seat.
Disappointed Ram was approached by an air hostess, who served dinner to the passengers, she started flirting with Ram.

Ram who was perplexed with her fast phase felt a little discomfortable. Just when the air hostess was about to touch Ram's biceps, someone tapped her shoulders. And there stood Janaki shooting lasers from her eyes.

J: I think you should leave him alone, if he needs anything he will ring the bell, then you can help him out. So will you excuse us.
Jaanu smiled in a wicked way at her which chilled the air hostess spine. She run-walked out of there excusing herself. Witnessing the whole scene Ram was speechless and Langesh become Lifeless.

L MV: did this mangamma really defend my partner 🤔

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L MV: did this mangamma really defend my partner 🤔.

Ignoring Ram, Janaki spoke to Langesh.
J: Hey Ravana, your girlfriend needs you, I think we have to switch our seats.
L: Ravana! Who is Ravana? I'm Langeshwar.(Spoke Langesh after stuffing his mouth full)
J: Langeshwar or Ravana, dhanya is your girlfriend right? She wants to sit with you, do you wanna go there or not?

L: Idho vandhuten !!!(I'm coming).
Lingesh happily stood up along with his food tray to leave who was again pulled back to his seat by Ram.
R: (whisper talking to L) Dai Partner, you're not leaving me at any cost. Please da please.
Poor Ram begged his friend.
L:(whisper talking to R) Po da!(go man!), you hit me for no reason out there and you didn't even give me your dessert when I asked you. Maatna da en babarakkata mandaiya(Out of the frying pan to the fire).
Saying this Lingesh pinched Ram's arms to escape his hold. Despite of ram's pleas he managed to get out of the seat, thanks to his lean figure.

J: move aside.
R: why should I? If you want you can take that seat.
J: Didn't you and your friend created a big fuss for this window seat. Just move, I'm so tired to argue.
She closed her eyes trying to relax herself.
R: should I switch seats with Sita?
J: Not necessary, I'm not ready for an argument now (she responded rudely).
R: Did you both fight?
J: No she's upset with me for being late today.
R: Then you should sit with her and try convincing her right?
J: why should I? She loves me no matter what and I know she'll come back to me and this doesn't matters much to her. So why should I waste my energy for useless things.
Ram gave her an unbelievable look and took a deep breath to compose himself and then spoke.

R: Good, it always feels nice to have someone behind your back longing for your attention right? But you'll feel how painful it will be once you see that person vanished from that place and you have no one to bear your tantrums.
While saying the last sentence his voice chocked, he turned away towards the window to hide his tears.

2 hours later the entire plane was asleep and few were snoring loudly too. But one soul was wide awake, lost in thoughts, though her body badly wanted embrace Nithradevi(sleep goddess). She was wide awake due to her mind fighting with her body.

She thought of the way she behaved with Sita today and also about Ram's words, she felt bad and made a mental note to apologise Sita in the morning. She let out a sigh of relief and closed her eyes. Within a minute she felt a weight in her shoulder. She woke up with a start to find Ram peacefully sleeping on her shoulder and his left leg was on the window case which resulted in him landing on her shoulder.

Janaki who was taken aback lifted her hand to hit him, but his last talk with her stopped her from doing it. Instead she caressed his hair and drifted to sleep by resting her head backwards on the seat.

Hello sweethearts,
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Dedicating this chapter to sharma_sonali DivyaMurali651
pabsusweety and Priya_Sweety for their cute comments. Love you ladies 💝

Love you all sweethearts,

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