Facing the stage

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Ram and Jaanu were walking in the aisle which leads to the practice room. But what ram didn't remember was once in three months, the members of his band will play openly during the break time, any students who are interested can come and enjoy the songs they are playing for free.

Ram was the one who implemented it 4 years ago to increase the brand's popularity, but he completely forgot that it was today. They stood at the entrance of the room which looked like a mini concert, the entire place completely filled up with people, and the stage had all the musical instruments ready.

Jaanu started sweating and pulled Ram aside away from the students view.

J: What's this? I thought we are just pretending that I am getting into your music troop Ram, now what's all this?

R: I am so sorry, it's our 'university performance day'. And I completely forgot about it. That's ok, I will make you sit in our green room, so you need not worry. Our performance will be done within 1 hour. Please bare with it.

J: Do I have a choice Manga.

Both of them entered the room separately to avoid suspicions Ram proceeded and let Janaki follow him. Yet Ram noticed that few guys were immediately smitten by Janaki's beauty. He slowed down, and followed Janaki to the stage. He climbed up the stage to put the stage lights on and the audience lighting off, meanwhile Janaki managed to scoop into the green room without anyone else noticing.

Ram took over the stage and the magic started. Janaki heard him live for the first time and she was astonished. He rocked the concert, but suddenly the music went off. Janaki heard a squeaky female voice beginning her speech.

"Thank you Ram, as usual you were awesome, but we would like to listen to the new lady singer. Please let us listen to her".

That's all the entire audience started chanting the same mantra. That's all within 30 seconds Ram entered the room and shut the door behind. As soon as he entered he kept away all the weighted objects out of reach from Janaki.

R: Janaki, please listen to me completely and react. Will you?

J: Now what mess did you create Manga?

R: ah..good question, but....., no no I didn't. Everything is under control, I have made all the arrangements. How you done Tik tok ever?

J: No, but I have watched them. Wait a minute. Tell me you are not gonna do that ram

Spoke Janaki perplexed.

R: Noting to worry Janaki. Now we will play Christina parker's 'A thousand years', sung by someone else, you just have to lip-sync. That's all, cool right?

J: No ram, not at all. I have never sung on stage. I can't do that. I am not a pro. Try to understand. Try telling them I am are sick or something.

R: No re, I can't. that stupid who fixed you up on stage is Meera, maya's friend. Now if you slip out that will lead to unnecessary confusions. Please Janaki try to understand.

J: Ram just know that once we are done with this, you are gonna get nicely from me.

Ram gulped down his saliva and managed to let out a smile. Janaki after 1 minute climbed on to the stage. She felt her heart trying to break her rib cage when she saw the entire crowd cheering on her, few guys whistling and letting out flying kiss made her throat dry.

She closed her eyes when the music was on and stood by the microphone. When the song the part where the singer is supposed to sing turned out to be empty. The crowd waited for her to sing and she saw Maya and Meera standing amongst the crowd sharing a high-five and cunning smile. Janaki was sweating badly and she grabbed the microphone stand for support.

Everything seemed like a shallow to her until her eyes met with a pair of familiar dark brown eyes, looking into hers with concern from the audience side. She felt like something is energizing her. The crowd started going 'Boo' on her, right then a sweet voice filled the room.

The crowd started getting silent, listening to it. There stood Janaki on the stage looking into the pair of eyes, singing the song.

மலா்கள் கேட்டேன் வனமே தந்தனை, தண்ணீா் கேட்டேன் அமிா்தம் தந்தனை. எதை நான் கேட்பின் உன்னையே தருவாய்.(I asked for flowers and you gave me a garden, I asked for water and you gave me nectar, what should I ask for so that you will give me yourself)

காட்டில் தொலைந்தேன் வழியாய் வந்தனை, இருளில்தொலைந்தேன் ஒளியாய் வந்தனை. எதனில் தொலைந்தால் நீயே வருவாய் (I missed my ways in a forest and you came down as my way, I got lost in dark and you came down as light, in what should I get lost for you to come for my rescue)

பள்ளம் வீழ்ந்தேன் சிகரம் சோ்த்தனை, வெள்ளம் வீழ்ந்தேன் கரையில் சோ்த்தனை. எதனில் வீழ்ந்தால் உன்னிடம் சோ்ப்பாய். ( i fell down in a pit and you raised me to the peek, I fell into deep waters and you took me to the shore, in what should I get immersed in for you to take me as yours)

Ram stood there with raising heart, he has heard this song so many times and never once it touched his soul the way it did today, his eyes let out tears of joy when she was singing, he even forgot to blink his eyes.

Crowd broke their Terrance by clapping and enjoying. She stood there still, looking deeply into Ram's eyes, forgetting the world around her. She smiled amongst the happy tears which straight away reached his heart. 


Hello sweethearts,

I'm sorry for being late.

Happy friendship day,

Love you all

Pavi <3

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