What if everything goes wrong?

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Ram kept on looking at Janaki thinking about what next, he wondered why she didn't tell him earlier, in fact she wasn't the one to tell him, her drugged state let her heart out. Janaki's voice brought him back to senses.

J: But Ram, we can't fall in love, we can't get married, we can't make babies.

Spoke Janaki a little more seriously than her proposal, Ram came back from his dreamland where Ram-Jaanu couple are married and expecting twins.

R: What? But why?

J: What will be our future Ram? I mean, we both have different paths. I am not an ordinary girl, I can't adjust with a normal life, I love my job, and no man can adjust my ego and tantrums I throw. I just can't change myself for anybody in this world. I can't put myself in a picture with kids, husband and a 9-5 work, that's not me.

You are an amazing guy Ram, it's actually good that you didn't notice me at all. If at all you did, we both would have faced hell due to our 'Difference of opinion'. You deserve a partner who can love you immensely Ram, who's world revolves around you and only you, just like Sita- Purushothaman, Langesh-Dhanya. Not someone like me. I am scared we might end up like your parents.

We don't belong with each other Ram. We just can't love each other like Langesh mentioned. You deserve a nice girl not me. I am not a marriage material Ram, and I can stay happy looking at you being happy with a family of yours, but I can't bear seeing you unhappy with me. I am sorry Ram.

Janaki's eyes tear up while speaking, with that Janaki collapsed to the ground. Ram heart bearded unexplainable weight. He didn't know when he started crying, and how long he sat there next to her, fighting an unknown battle within him. He came back to his senses listening to her voice.

J: Ram, please stay away from me. I don't want to see you hurt. Please...

Ram realized that she is sleep talking. Wiping his tears, he lifted her up bridal style, placed her on the bed carefully and wiped her tears off, he held her hands close to his heart by interlinking their hands together. He composed himself and spoke to Janaki who is deep asleep.

R: Jaanu, I know you can't hear me right now and you wouldn't remember a thing when you wake up tomorrow morning. But I want to tell you that I love you. If you can't be there for me, I will be there for you. If you can't spare time for me, I will make sure to steal time from you and of course not disturbing your work.

If you can't fulfill your duties as a mother or a grandmother, I will be there to fill up your space. As a wife, I just expect love from you Jaanu, all I want is non-betraying beautiful family. You pass with distinction when it comes to love, that's why you held up your emotions all these years, to stay away from me, hurting yourself.

And yeah, even I don't fancy the adjustments Janaki, adjustments leave wounds and scars behind, just like my parents. But I am not going to adjust but adapt with you. Adapting will increase one's love and they can happily accept their partner as who they are, it has to come from both the sides Jaanu.

Now you need a love guru and that's going to be me. I am going to show a glimpse of love and art of adapting, make you realize how happy we are going to be in our life. I am going to sweep you off your feet before confessing my feelings for you Jaanu.

Tomorrow is going to our first day of mentoring along with our mission, sleep tight wifey.

With that he kissed her forehead and back of her palm, hesitantly he went close to her face, her lips, but stopped in the middle and gave her an Eskimo kiss. She smiled in her sleep and held his hands even more tightly. He sat down on the floor holding her hands and resting his face on the bed, looking at her face adoringly.

He didn't know when he drifted off to sleep. Janaki woke up next day morning feeling heavy. She felt like her skull is made out of stone, it weighted that hard, she couldn't recognize where she is. She felt her left cheek is getting fanned by something, she turned towards her left side with much difficulty, to see the most breathtaking and nervous scene of her life.

There laid Ram, next to her, sleeping like a baby. His face was so close to her which increased her heartbeat, she observed his features and expression with a smile adoring her face. She saw their fingers intertwined together and chuckled. Which fortunately or unfortunately disturbed Ram's deep slumber, he slowly opened his eyes and both of them looked eye to eye. Ram didn't expect such a morning, he wondered whether to call it a beautiful morning or a dangerous one.


Hello sweethearts,

I hope everyone like this update,

I think i was able to convey their emotions correctly, if anything goes a miss, kindly tell me, i made this in a half heart, please kindly comment whether it is ok or not.

Love you all,

Pavi <3

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