Who is a kid?

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Ram and Janaki were blissfully enjoying their moment, little that they knew Janaki attracted almost every man in the crowd, among them a pair of eyes was lustfully looking at her with a croaky smile.

The moment she got down the stage she was surrounded by guys for a selfie, not knowing what to do to avoid the crown she guarded herself with her hands, avoiding as many selfie possible. Many guys lined up for autographs and shake hands from her. Out of which one hand was about to touch her breast.

Before it could reach her, in a fraction of second, another strong hand pulled her aside and guarded her within his arms, at the same time using his another hand he got hold off the nasty guy's hand and twisted it hard, it resulted in a sprain to that guy.

Ram took Janaki carefully out of the practice room calling the day off. He made sure to make her stayed comfortable and shoot arrows through eyes at the guy for his nasty work. Ram was a little bit relived that Janaki doesn't know about the about- to- be insult and assault she was about to face. Janaki was immersed in her own dreamland within Ram's arms.

Ram's troop members guarded both of them from the crowd and took them to the storage room safely, Ram took off his jacked at walked to and fro in the angrily, he stomped his feet at times. Janaki was shocked to see the Mr.cool completely in a Satan mode right now. Right then ram growled like a hunting tiger to his team mate.

R: James! I don't want to see her out of this room before I come back here and make sure no one else enters this room except m. I repeat no one.

Then Ram stormed out of the room leaving Janaki perplexed. She sat down on the stool, confused with Ram's behavior, rubbing her temples she looked at the man who is standing next to her. She felt uncomfortable with his stare.


Ja: Hi, I am james, I am a drummer. I have been playing for Ram's troop for 4 years.

James extended his arms for a hug.

J: Vanakam, I am Janaki a doctor- psychiatrist.

Janaki put her palms together in a formal namasthae.

Ja: Oh cool, a doc, that's nice. But you sing really well, first ram told me to play up a song for you. But I have no idea how it turned out to be karaoke version.

J: Thanks for the compliment, please don't mind me asking james, Did you spot Meera nearby the control area after you switched on the song?

Ja: No Doc, I didn't she was there next to Johny.

J: Johny?

Ja: Yeah, I have heard that he is one nasty fellow, but I wonder what he was doing there with her. If her friend Maya got to know about this she will feel bad. Hey you know something? Keep it between ourselves ok, there are more chances for Maya and Ram to be a couple, she is a nice girl, our entire troop hoped for Ram- Sita but they struck to their friendship and we make friendship goals ......

James kept on talking and Janaki struck with the name Johny, she kept on thinking where did she heard of that name, suddenly it strike her, she ran out of the room searching for Ram, she prayed to god for nothing to go wrong.

Hearing someone growling out of pain she Ran towards that direction followed by James trying to catch up to her speed. She finally stopped at the entrance of Men's toilet from where the sound was heard well, she heard Ram shouting and without second thoughts she entered the washroom to find Johny collapsed onto the floor where Ram stood there covering his face with a doc mask and eyes filled with rage.

Janaki was shocked to the core, she couldn't digest the fact that Ram hit Johny for his ex-crush. She didn't know that she had a devil side in her and it was awake now. She pushed Ram aside and her eyes spat disgust on him.

J: Enough ram, suck it up.

R: Janaki what are you doing here? First go out with James. Let's talk about this later.

J: I expected a man out of you Ram, but you are just a kid, a stupid, brainless kid filled with attitude.

R: Janaki what..........

J: ENOUGH RAM!!! You leave back to India, I will save your lady myself. I can't handle a kid here.

Ram got angry this time, he threw his jacket on to the ground and got out of the washroom kicking the dustbin on his way. Janaki stood there controlling her tears of anger, staring at Ram for his behavior. James stood there understanding half of their conversation.

Ja: Well Doc, you told me you are a psychiatrist, but I gotta tell you that you suck at it.

J: What?

Ja: You are a friend of Ram but still you failed to understand that each and every action of him is actually a reaction.

J: What do you mean James?

Ja: Ram hit Johny for you, not for maya

J: What are you talking about?

Ja: Well, Doc. We all guarded Ram and you from the crowd, but Ram guarded your honor from this creep.

Janaki stood there with a guilt when James explained her what he saw. That Johny tried to bad- touch her and how Ram saved her on time. She felt so bad for hurting Ram. Right at that moment she felt like she is indeed a Kid not 'Her Ram'.

Hello sweethearts,

Now a days I am becoming more and more lazy,

Kindly forgive me for being late again,

Love you all,

Pavi <3

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