The secret of soup

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R: How did you prepare this soup Doctor?

J: I know that was tasty, generally people use store brought ready made mix, but I prepare the integrants myself. That's why no one can match my recipe.

Responded Janaki with pride.

R: Oh is that so, then share na, how did you prepare this extraordinary dish

Asked ram sarcastically. Poor Janaki couldn't realize the sarcastic tone, as she was so excited with the 'her cooking talent'.

J: See our authentic Indian style is to crush the integrants using hand grinders, only then our food will have the flavor, so I used your 'brand new' hand grinder to cook this dish, I crushed the black pepper and garlic in hand grinder and used only the organic materials to prepare it. Especially the coriander leaves should be added before the soup is almost done. Only then it's aroma will turn into the flavor in food.

R: Great doctor, nice cooking. Why don't you have some?

J: Sure. It smell's so delicious.

Janaki took a spoon full and had it, only to spit it on Ram's T-shirt.

J: Oh god, I'm so sorry. Why does it taste like spicy liquid sand?

R: It's nice, but next time before you make soup make sure that you use pepper.

J: What nonsense, do you think I don't know what pepper looks like? It's small, round, spicy and black in color.

R: Is it small or tiny?

J: It's available in both the size, the small one is so spicy, whereas the tiny one is averagely spicy, you don't even know that.

R: Janaki, pepper is only available in small size, the tiny one you are mentioning is called 'mustard'.

Janaki felt utterly embarrassed, she felt like running away but fortunately Ram moved away from there to get changed.

Janaki ran to and fro in the hall to handle her embracement and to get out of her growing feelings towards Ram, she fell down on the couch on her stomach completely tired, she could see the reflection on the clean white marble floor of Ram's life sized photo hung on the wall.

Her lips broke into a beautiful smile looking at his picture. Her fingers not listening to her brain traveled towards the reflection to trace it, just before she could touch it she could see two pairs of long legs standing in front of her, looking up she could see Ram came back after changing.

She immediately sat up correcting her posture which made ram look at her doubtfully.

R: If you are tired you can use the guest room, it's towards your right and that's where you took bath a while ago. Good night Mangamma.

J: No, I'm not resting and I have to spend this night in your room.

Ram looked unbelievably at her, and after realizing what her words meant Janaki jumped up from the couch and stammered to talk.

J: That.... That I.... I didn't........

Closing her eyes she spoke.

J: I didn't mean it that way, Naga's might come back tonight, from your room we can easily see what's happening in my house. That would help us right. So I want to stay at your room to watch over.

R: Ok, you can come to my room if I find them in your house.

J: Hey manga, they can also see movements in your room even with no lights on thanks to your door, if your bedroom door swings open then they can see us.

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