Jumping the wall is an art

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Ram took the passenger seat whereas Janaki drove to the store. What made the trip different was Janaki shout-singing along with the Mp3 track 'uru vittu uru vandhu, kadhal keedhal seiyatheenga. Peru kettu ponathuna, namba polappu yennagumga'(do not fall in love where you have come out of town, we can't run our business if your name gets spoilt).

Ram clearly understood that Janaki was mocking him, at one point he woke up, switched off the player and again pretended to be asleep. Janaki chucked seeing his antics, he looked at her in the corner of his eyes and was astonished to see her changed. But he could stop himself to like this change of hers. Only thing he was uncomfortable with was her teases.

Once they reached the store she shouted loudly close to his ears to wake him up, Ram opened his eyes with a start and panic strikingly looked at her, she laughed heartfully clapping her hands celebrating her victory.

J: Stop dreaming Mr.Romeo. Rise and shine.

R MV: One moment she behaves like a zombie and now she behaves like a teenager. How am I supposed to handle her? Muruga save me, if you do so, I will make Langesh take 'Fire pot' (thee chatty) for you as a sign of devotion.

Ram silently followed her into the store. She walked to the women's section chose something Indo-western floral dress. Ram waited for her at the billing section. She came out of the changing room and the entire store was looking at the beauty. Ram played with the paper weight on the billing desk to kill the time. He looked at the tag of the dress she chose for which he paid the bill, $15.18, which was र800 in Indian money. No matter how rich her father is and how much money she earns, she is always simple, that quality of her made him feel proud of her.

 No matter how rich her father is and how much money she earns, she is always simple, that quality of her made him feel proud of her

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(Janaki wore this dress and droppings)

The young guy at the Billing counter adjusted his hair and gave a 32 teeth smile towards Ram. Ram looked weirdly at him first and realized that he was actually looking past him. So Ram looked behind to see the heavenly beauty. He elegant pony tail where two strands of hair escaped her pony turned into natural curls making her look like a Barbie doll, simple and adorable dress, and a set of droppings made her look mesmerizing. What made her even more beautiful was her smile which started from her heart and reached her eyes.

He looked at her awestruck, he forgot that he was holding a paperweight in his hand. The guy at the bill counter shouted at the top of his lungs as the paper weight Ram was holding a second ago hit his feet. Ram was still looking at Jaanu, when she came close to him, the swing of the air conditioner in the store turned towards jaanu, the smell of the new dress and her shampoo hit his nostrils making him go weak on knees.

J: Shall we leave?

To ram it sounded like 'Shall we start'?(romantically). He looked at her directly into the eyes and there he could see she is genuinely letting out happy and victory vibes.

She snapped her fingers to bring him back from his trance.

J: What happened to you? Why were you staring at me?

R: Ah... that... How long will you take to get ready? See we are already late to the university. This is why guys shouldn't accompany girls for shopping.

Saying that Ram walked off the store. Janaki wondered what's got into him as she hardly took 10 minutes to get ready. She rolled her eyes and followed him outside.

This time Ram drove the car and Janaki took the passenger seat. Ram noticed her from the corner of his eyes putting on her lip balm and a small sized round bindi to finish up her look. He cleared his throat and drank some water to control his raising heart.

He stopped next to the weak spot at the fencing wall of his university gate, Ram and Janaki walked closed to it.

R: Ok, come on climb.

J: What?

R: You need to get into the university right? You don't have either a student pass or a visitor pass. So there is no other go, just climb.

J: Ok, but where is the ladder.

R: Doctor ji, if there is a ladder, I would have put it on right?

Spoke Ram sarcastically.

J: Ram, but I can't this wall is too high for me.

R: Seriously Doctor ji, you're 5'10" for heaven's sake. Try climbing the wall, I will support you from backside.

Janaki nodded and placed her hand on the wall, pushing herself up she was able to half climb the wall, but her feet couldn't reach the wall, so ram extended his hand to push her further. Janaki turned back to ask him push her further, her jaw dropped seeing him about to touch both her butt.

She jumped down immediately and looked, spoke nervously.

J: What are you doing Ram?

R: Helping you climb the wall, why did you jump down?

J: ah... that...My hand hurt. Isn't there any other way?

Ram rested his hand on the hips thinking for a way, his face brightened thinking of a way.

R: Idea! But this might hurt even more.

J: Fine, it's ok.

Ram climbed the wall first easily, sitting in a position where both his legs were on the either side of the wall he extended his hand to Janaki.

She grabbed his hand and with the other had she used as a support to climb the wall. In the mid way she slipped a bit which resulted in her skit a bit, but Ram was quick to grab both her hands from back side. He pulled her up and made her sit on the wall. She relaxed a bit and during that time Ram jumped down.

She looked behind to find the space empty. Ram whistle-called her and signaled her to jump down quickly before anyone else notices. She looked nervous so Ram lend his shoulder for her support. She tried to jump down safely but just because she was nervous due to the previous miss she struggled and was about to fall down again.

Ram quickly grabbed her from waist and slightly pushed her towards the wall to prevent both of them losing their balance. Now Ram was sandwiching her against the wall. Both froze at the spot and Ram's had never left her waist and so did her hands from his shoulders.

Both were indulged in a deep eye lock that they failed to notice 'powder moonji'(powder faced) Maya approaching them from behind.


Hello sweethearts,

I felt there is romance missing between Ram and Janaki in last 2 updates,

so to match up to it and for all who were disappointed with 'Sahoo song' just like me and , i'm dedicating the chapter.

Especially SK being Close with Pabsu pa ignited the fire within me.

Love you all

PAvi <3

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