[MCU|Tony Stark x Reader] Dimensions

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Written: Sunday, 10 March 2019


I looked up from cleaning the counter, relieved to see another soul, besides my creepy boss. "Welcome to Cryptic Coffees!" I greeted him gratefully, partly ready to jump over the counter and kiss him. "How can I help youuu..." I stopped, my brain running through where I had seen this man before. "You know who you look like? That dude, what's his name? From the Iron Man movies?" He looked mildly confused as he raised the sunglasses away from his eyes, leaving them to rest on the top on his well-groomed hair. "Iron Man... Movies? Since when have they made movies about me?" Now it was my turn to look confused. "Wait, what?" I shook my head slightly. "Never mind, what would you like, Mr...?" "Stark. You not from around here or something?"

"OK... That's definitely strange. First name?" He looked slightly annoyed with my questions, looking at his watch impatiently. "Tony... How does this pertain to my order?" I tried to word my thoughts as carefully as I could, without sounding crazy. "Listen, I'm not sure if I'm right, but if I am, you can't be here." Welp, that still sounded crazy. In any case, he humoured me. "Why not?" I leant over the counter slightly, lowering my voice to just above a whisper. "Look, I knock off in literally 15 minutes, max. If you can hang around a bit longer, I'll explain everything." The irritated face of my boss came into the view of my peripheral vision. I sighed, why would he care that I'm talking for slightly longer than I'm supposed to? The place was basically deserted, apart from Tony, myself and him. I rolled my eyes slightly, turning back to Mr Stark. "Listen, I'm not supposed to make small talk. Please, just order." He shrugged. "Surprise me."


After changing out of my work uniform and making myself a little something, I grabbed his drink and put on the table in front of him, plopping down next to him. "Order up, Stark." He smirked at me, taking the warm cup into his hands. "You finish early? It's only been 10 minutes. Or were you just eager to see me?" Blush coated my face with a bright pink that was hard to ignore. "Shut it, Stark. And drink up, we've got a long night ahead of us. "He let out a deep breath, taking a sip of his drink. "What is this?" "Stop looking at me like I poisoned you, it's a latte. You don't need an espresso right now, you're jittery enough." He slumped in his seat, muttering about his heart needing espresso to function. I let out a small laugh, taking a sip of my own drink.

"Seriously though, we can't stay here. In this universe, you are a character played by Robert Downey Jr and we're going to get stuck in a sleazy tabloid if I'm seen with you. We can't let the Downey find out about you, you're gonna have to crash at my place for a bit." Fair to say I was worried about both of our fates if he was found. "What if I want to be seen with you in the papers?" Then he had the nerve to wink at me, causing my cheeks to heat once more and earning a laugh from me. "Fuck, you're good. Come through the back, I'll drive you to my place."

He got up from the table, walking towards the double glass doors, separating us from the street outside. My heart leapt into my throat as I grabbed his arm. "What on earth are you doing?" He raised his other arm, his blaster powering up, aimed at the glass. "Making an exit." I latched onto his arm, unsuccessfully trying to pull it down. "Don't you fucking dare. You're coming with me, you're fucking lucky this place is empty right now." He relented, chuckling hysterically. "OK, OK, you win!" I stood down, brushing off my jacket. "Damn right. Don't test me, Stark. Now, let's get moving."


Around 7pm we'd both calmed down again, a fresh pot of coffee in front of us. "So, what's the last thing you remember?" I asked, cautious of any trauma I might bring up. "A giant portal, a lot of screaming and blackness." He said flatly, staring into his coffee. "Who were you with?" "I was on my own, I mean Peter was there but... Oh my god, Peter! We have to find the kid. Now." His breathing was ragged as he jumped up, ready to blast through my celling to find Peter. I placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, catching sight of the small tears forming in his eyes. "Hey, hey, it's alright, Iron Dad. I'll find Peter, you chill here. I'll bring him back here, ring you in an hour." He really cares for the Spider kid but he can't go out, it's up to me. Besides, Peter's just a kid. Provided he's a kid with superpowers, but he's still a kid. He's probably scared and confused and alone and- damn it. Now I'm working myself up. I need to keep a level head, for Tony.

He grabbed my shoulders, panic running rampant behind his eyes. "If you don't ring me, I'm coming out to find you." I smiled softly, my heart warming at his worry. "Wouldn't expect any different, Stark." I gave his shoulder a quick squeeze, grabbing my keys and heading for the door. One last thing, though. "Come back safe, Y/n, or I swear- Mhmp!" I gently placed my lips over his. When we pulled back, his stormy eyes were slightly calmer. "Don't worry, I'll call you in an hour." I finally left through the front door, ready for my spider hunt.

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