[P&F|Human Perry the Platypus x Reader] Dance With Me?

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Art by me, lol.

Written: Saturday, 23rd November 2019

"Hey, where's Perry?" Phineas' voice faded out of earshot as Perry slid down one of the many passages into his secret lair, dropping onto his familiar chair. Unfortunately, he had chosen to take the vase entrance that morning and just enough water to be annoying dropped with him, a few daisies floating gracefully through the air, caught on some invisible breeze he couldn't sense. One floated gently across to the girl sitting in the chair next to him and she grinned, tucking it gently behind her ear. Perry watched her in awe as she adjusted the brown fedora that every agent sported, but on her it just looked... right.

Luckily for the love-struck teenager, Major Monogram appeared on the screen soon after, startling both young agents as they snapped to attention. "Ah, there you are, Agent P. We know you usually work alone, but your mission today is to scope out the Annual Tri-State Mayor's Cotillion. We think Doofenshmirtz may try to interrupt his brother's speech with another one of his schemes and we need you to keep an eye on him." Perry glanced over to Y/n pointedly, eyes flicking back to the Major questioningly. "Unfortunately, the cotillion requires everyone have a partner, so we're pairing you up with Agent Y/n." Y/n turned to face the teal-haired boy, smiling as she elbowed him gently.

"Hey, Agent P. Long time, no see, huh?" Perry let a small smile cross his lips as he nodded at her, eyes locked with hers. "Perfect! You two already have the chemistry, now get out there and stop Doofenshmirtz!" Perry tore his eyes away, pulling up his professional mask as he saluted his superior and made to leave. Y/n grinned up at Monogram before saluting and sauntering over to hop into the hover car.

Y/n felt the warm summer sun hit her skin and sighed happily, freeing her hair from its binds so it flowed behind her as her eyes fluttered shut. This was her favorite part, being miles above the city with only the rushing wind and beaming heat to accompany you. Although, in this particular instance, she had the company of Agent Platypus and that suited her just fine.

After a few minutes, Perry tapped her arm as the jingle echoed through the car's speaker. Groaning, she reluctantly opened her eyes, retying her hair, trapping it close to her and perching the standard issue fedora on her head yet again, stretching violently as Perry winced at the sound of her spine cracking. She swapped out her small smile for her signature lazy smirk as they touched down safely on the balcony, jumping out of the vehicle onto the warm concrete.

They took a few cautious steps, startling as a sort of faux exoskeleton closed around Perry's body, leaving his head poking out as he struggled, growling slightly. Y/n found his little noises kind of cute, but instead of dwelling on that, she jumped into a fighting stance. Footsteps echoed around the large space as Heinz Doofenshmirtz emerged from the depths, laughing maniacally. "Ah, Perry the Platypus..." His eyes flicked over to Y/n, face contorting in confusion. "And you brought your girlfriend?" Perry didn't react to this comment as Y/n stepped towards the doctor, holding out a hand and forcing down the blush that threatened to erupt across her cheeks.

"Agent Fox. But, Y/n is fine." He took it, shaking it quickly before both parties let their hands drop to their respective sides.

"Uh, well, I don't really have a trap for you, so... Could you sit over with Perry the Platypus until he breaks out? I just, I have some monologuing I need to get out of my system." He ran an awkward hand over the back of his neck, the other gesturing to the space beside the trap. Y/n raised an eyebrow at Perry, who simply shrugged. So, Y/n walked over to the trap, sitting cross-legged on the floor, absorbing the heat of the midday sun as they listened to Doofenshmirtz rant.

"Behold! The cricket-noiseinator! You see, I used to believe that comedy could be learned, that I could make people laugh! I spent a lot of my time at Drusselstien's only comedy club, "You're Not Funny", honing the art of standup comedy. Then, one fateful night, I was performing for a packed house and I told my funniest joke. Unfortunately, it was almost summer, and the crickets started to chirp just as I finished. No one laughed or clapped, and I never told another joke again." He glanced defeatedly over to his giant machine, shaped vaguely like a giant, metal cicada, with stained glass ruby eyes, glinting in the light. It reminded Y/n, oddly, of a piece of jewelry she owned, a metal cicada suspended on a long chain to keep it hidden under the uniform she wore.

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