Ch: 23

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Alam Abbas had sent the business card of someone named Jameel Qaiser. Haroon instantly rang him.

" Jameel Qaiser, speaking," he said as he picks up the call. 

" Salam Mr. Jameel. I am Haroon Sherazi. The owner of Shan Industries. " he introduced himself.

" Walikum Asalam, Mr. Sherazi. That's a pleasure to talk to you. How can I help you? " he greeted ' really ' warmly.

Then Haroon enlightened him about the whole scenario.

" Money is no big deal for me, just save my son," he said hanging up the phone after dealing with him.

Their meeting had been planned to be held tomorrow at 1 o'clock sharp. 


" It's difficult to drag him out of the hearings, neither saving him without any charges is a piece of cake. Only we can do is lessen his indictment by removing the higher charges. " He formulated after listening every single detail.

" Ah! Why is that? " Rayan asks putting his hand under his chin.

" Cause your opponent is strong but we shouldn't lose hope. I will try my best. " Mr. Jameel said formally.

" Okay, so what will you do then? " Rayan inquired as he is the professional.

" Well, that's my headache. " Mr. Jameel said bluntly grabbing his briefcase and standing up.


Working full-time day and night. Moving from one file to another making notes,  investigating, drinking lots of coffee, smoking hundreds of cancer sticks, at last, he found a way to pull the right string and prevent the tower from collapsing.


Alizey's PoV

How can he say that?
I know when I will leave this court my head would be as heavy as a whale. This place is crazy. As crazy as hell. Totally insane.

This reminds me of the Day Of Judgment. We all standing in Hashar our head down praying heartily for our Amaal Namah to be placed in our right hand. This would be the visa towards Jannah. Our heart jumping out of our throat. Nervousness pumping in our bloodstream.

We all know what we have gathered for the life hereafter

As Shakespeare says.

" Life is a stage, "

I say,

" Day of judgment is the Award ceremony. "

It will tell who lose who wins.

Angels will call

" Jannah for the Winners. Have a nice life, you got what Allah had promised.


" All of you with the black heart make a queue so it's easy for us to kick you in the hell. "

I felt a bolt of electricity spark in every pore of my body, leaving goosebumps wherever they run.

" When I was going through the case and reading about different charges on my client. One name sticks with every case filed against Rayan and that is this guy Mr. Babar Hasan aka 'The crime partner' as my friend Mr. Ahmed said  "
Mr. Jameel's voice brings me back to reality. I shake my head to clear the illusions.

" I want Haroon Sherazi's secretary Mr. Usman in the cabin. " he requests to the judge. On judge order, he was called in the cabin.

" For how long have you been working for Mr. Haroon? " Mr. Jameel ask him.

JASMINE ✔️ (Unedited Version)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora