Pretty Little Mind

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"Let's look at it as an exchange and until your ready to return...You still have it" Kure looked at me as I was naked looking at myself in his dresser mirror. "I know it'll just truly be the first time I'd ever say it and meant it" I looked back at him smiling. Last night was different from all the other nights especially when he said he loved me after a long passionate round.

"I see you don't play with meaning and words which is fair. So what are your plans for today since I whisked you away from your boy toy" I rolled my eyes pinning up my hair. "He's cool and yes we may have went extra but I doubt he's one to get caught in his feelings" He came down the bed to kiss up my neck.

"That's cute but I'd be a real sucker if I let my girl hang out with a dude who done smashed." I turned around facing him to wrap my arm around his neck and his hand traveled further gripping my ass. "Your cute definitely it's hard to stay away. No matter where I'm at and when it's like I gotta know what's up with you."

"I know I can read it every time I come around it's something different." He dragged me on the bed rolling us around. I totally didn't wanna leave but I already was treading being late to class "No Kure I have to go back home and shower..If I stay here any longer then we will both be in trouble" I threw on my clothes and grabbed my shoes.

"Call me later then or sleep over" I kissed him goodbye and rushed back home to get ready. After classes I met everybody at a Starbucks "Finally your drink has been waiting for like five minutes" Tanya said. "I assume you were with your illegal partner Kure but we've been silenced" Trell zipped his mouth and acted to throw it away after.

"Yes and we had a good time...a too good of a time like he professed his love type of night" Heathers mouth dropped and nudged Tanya. "Might as well buy handcuffs so he'll already know what it's like" Anthony shook his head. "Damn a fling turned into a romance isn't that one to tell your Kids. So the real question is did you say it back Lori" They all looked at me staring at me intensely.

"No I didn't so you guys can stop with the looks  but I wanted to. He's really good to me and lord knows I found him more attractive when he stole me away from Shane last night." I filled them in for the rest of the night. "Hmm I have no words for this conversation but I will say I'm happy that you've found love somehow"  Anthony said smiling.

"Thank you Anthony at least your the grown one out of you two boys. I just have to blow off Shane now but it'll have to wait till after the game." I wanted to support Shane because he invited me and I hyped it all up but afterwards I'd explain to just be friends. "Good because we're all going before we have to leave to go back home" Heather said.

"Let me text Shane see if I can slide through to pick up his jersey" He texted back swiftly saying to come through and that we had to talk.  "Let's hope this goes well" I went over to his house and he was just chilling watching football. "I'm surprised your not doing anything or at some practice" He lowered the volume down.

"It's later tonight but here's the jersey you wanna wear" He tossed it over and I put it over my shoulder. "Thank you I'll have to decide what I'm gonna wear it with. Gotta look real sporty even though I'd prefer heels anyway."

"What happened last night disappeared and frankly I know it's more to this story" I sighed dreading this whole conversation and how to weasel my way out of this. "I know and I'll promise I'll explain everything but after the game. I need you to be on top so whatever I have going on can wait" He looked as if he wanted to protest.

"Fine but that's only because I'd prefer if you were on top later. Especially if we win tonight as a makeup gift" I nodded and went back home. "Cute jersey so I guess we are rooting for number five huh" Heather stuck her tongue out.

We got to the game and it was packed but we had saved seats thankfully from Shane. "I know I'm blind but trust and believe I know what Kure looks like" Heather said.

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