An Interesting Lunch

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I was in a state where I was between waking up and wanting to sleep again. My mind was playing yesterday's flash backs for me. I keep seeing London, my friends, Yuvan, mom-dad and my home. Then suddenly they all blurred and I saw Mr Rahoul's face. It took seconds for my eyes to be wide open. I didn't know what to think about this. So I didn't. My mind was too foggy to think any ways.

I took my phone from bedside table and saw time. It was already past 9 in the morning. Gasping I quickly got out of the bed and towards the bathroom. I don't understand how can I sleep till this late. And how come my mom didn't come to wake me up or Yuvan. I quickly brushed my teeth and did my morning business. I thought about whether I should go down like this or not. I slept in t-shirt frock that comes till my mid thighs as I have never worn this type of clothes at home. Then I thought why not, I was at my home I should stay as I used to do in London. So I made my way down stairs.

Everyone was at the dining area by the time I went down. All were having breakfast. The table was filled with all sorts of food. From bread and cereals to fruits to cornflakes' to proper Indian breakfast. The twins were playing in their play pan with one on the maids watching over them. I wished everyone good morning kissing my parents on the cheeks then sat beside Yuvan at the end of the table. Sparsh and Ayan were leaving for their places today.

"Aww you guys are already leaving. I had so much to talk about" I said.

To which Ayan replied "you mean interrogate" And I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Law is taking its toll on you buddy. I didn't remember you back answering this much when I was last hear" I said.

"Well I don't remember you having these many questions as well" He shot back.

And childishly since I didn't have any come back I stick my tongue out at him.

"Sparsh, at least you stay for a couple of days. I thought you love me unlike someone else here" I said eyeing Ayan and he laughed.

"I'm sorry dii, but I can't. I don't get much holiday since I'm still practicing. But I promise to some soon and you can come see my whenever you want" He replied to me.

I smiled at him. And looked pointedly at Ayan. Beside me Yuvan was doing the same thing.

"He is getting out of hands" said Yuvan.

"I'm sure it's gonna be okay. Come on, we were not any different'' I said patting his arms. And he laughed nodding.

"Adhira, would you like to come visit the hotel today" asked my Dad.

"Why today. It's her first morning here. Let the girl have some rest" Replied my Mom before I could say anything.

"No mom. It's okay. I'm well rested. I don't have much to do besides unpacking. I can come"

"Absolutely not. We're gonna sit and catch up today. I haven't had a proper conversation with you till now"

"Okay, how about you all ladies have your session now and Adhira you can come to hotel in second half".

"Yeah sounds good to me," I said. And my mom smiled.

After breakfast me, mom and both of my aunts sat around the breakfast table with a cup of tea in our hands and talked for an hour or two. Now it was their turn to ask me about London and my friends and my job.

After the "session" as my father called it, with my mother I head up to my room to unpack. I won't be able to last long knowing my bags were still packed. My mother sent some maids to help me out but I send them back. I like things certain ways and only I will be able to keep all that in mind and then arrange my cupboards. It took another hour or so for me to fully unpack and I smiled. Finally.

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