A Furred Truth

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That's what I'm feeling right now.

Now you might think that it's because of some girl fawning over Rahoul, but let me tell you, your wrong, very wrong.

I'm feeling jealous because all my parents are going on a 15 day trip to Dubai without me. And also a fact that I have never been there before.

That's a thing in my family actually. Once a year they would all go out somewhere together, doesn't matter if we kids can go or not. But then again they have earned it, after putting their kids before them for so long.

So this year, all 6 of them are going to Dubai for a tour. And me and Yuvan will look after the hotel and home for a while. The twins are also gonna stay with us so that the adults can relax fully. There are gonna be baby sitters to help me of course but still kids are a big responsibility, I know that much.

They all are leaving tomorrow so here I'm listening to my mom ranting about how she had packed the pantry or how the two maids are gonna be with me the whole time or how she has put down a list of things the twins can or can't eat or at what time they should be fed an all. That's a lot to take in, within a day.

Remember the girl who did my makeup on the first day, Riya. She is one of the baby sitters of the twins, so she'll be here with one more maid. Since I have heard that the twins are a handful. Well what can you expect from kids.

Yuvan is going through the same thing with our dad's in the office. I don't understand why they are making such a big deal out of it, they'll be back within 15 days. And I believe me and Yuvan are capable enough to take care of everything for 15 days, for sure.

Rahul and I have been a lot closer to each other since the wedding but there is something that he is hiding from me. I can feel that he's not being himself. He always tries to control himself around me. I know that he is not lying to me but I also know that he's not being 100% honest as well.

I also know that whatever it is between us or this relationship that we have developed, it's much more than mere attraction or even liking. I have been in relationships before but never have I ever felt what I'm feeling for him. But for some reason I also feel that what he feels for me is much more intensified. Sometimes the way he looks at me takes my breath away.

Just one look from him and I forget the reason of my existence.

This scares me, a lot. I don't know how to explain this to anyone. Or does everyone feel this way when they fall in love. I don't know.

And I can't exactly ask Rahoul. I mean what will I even say to him. Like Hey Rahoul, whenever you touch me, I feel butterflies in my stomach, do you feel the same way or do you know why this happens. Yeah Right.

"Are you even listening to me Adhira" asked my mom loudly

That's when I snapped back from my day dream. "Yes maa, we'll be fine, don't worry," I told her

"I'm always gonna worry, but you tell me what's going on with you" she asked me

"Nothing" I told her a little too quickly

"Really Adhira" she said raising an eyebrow and I blushed

"Is this about Rahoul" she asked again and my eyes widened.

I opened and closed my mouth a couple of times but no words came out. My eyes were still wide and I didn't know how to answer her. Mom laughed at my expression.

"I saw you with him at the wedding, I have never seen you getting this comfortable with strangers so soon. When you were a kid me n your dad always knew that you were a shy one. But getting you out of the house and meeting other people were just another story" she said and I laughed. Yup, that does sound like me.

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