Karaoke Night

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I'm sitting in table no 21 inside the restaurant with Pakhi and Rahoul on my either sides. The ambiance of this café is very nice. After coming inside I realised that this is not a restaurant but a very happening café.

The ambiance was made of mostly wood. Even the furniture were made of wood. The lights was neither too dim nor too bright. They have managed a small but 3" high stage on one of the sides of the café with a little band on its other side.

Many people were coming and singing in Karaoke. They even had some professional singers and bands who were performing continuously. I don't think the mic was ideal even for a second. Many people were waiting for their chance.

When we met with Pakhi she gushed over my dress when infect I was looking plain in comparison with her. She wore one those glittery dress which was looking very nice on her. Well she has a body that can rock anything. Armaan was in a simple black blazer with black jeans and white t-shirt.

While Rahoul was in Silver coat and pants. Before seeing him I always thought silver in too shiny and it won't look good on guys. But man, was I wrong. This guy can make anything look dull. He paired the suit with white shirt and he was looking AMAZING. His eyes were on me constantly. I think he was just looking for excuses so that he can look at me. Which kinda felt good.

Soon we were ordering drinks, all the guys ordered beer while Pakhi went with Vodka and I ordered Long Island Iced Tea, and everyone looked at me in shock.

"Are you sure you wanna order that?" asked Rahoul beside me.

And Yuvan agreed with him saying "I know you don't have to drive but at least be sober when we leave from here" and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I'll be fine trust me" I replied to him. And it was true. I'm a very heavy drinker. There hasn't been a day in my life that I had been completely wasted. I had a record of drinking 5 LIIT in a night and still I was completely conscious at the end of it.

The conversation flows between us very smoothly. We would stop talking occasionally to listen to some singers that we liked. But other than that there were no silence among us. Soon a game started where one member from every table would sing a song and If the audience liked it they would get a price. It was not a mandatory game so I thought none of us were gonna participate. But of course I was wrong.

After a couple of tables had there turns, the anchor was asking which table would like the go next. And I saw Yuvan raising his hand, seeing him Pakhi and Armaan also raised their hand. They thought he wanted to sing. But realization dawned on me and I wanted to murder him for 2nd time since morning.

The anchor made his way towards us, at the same time I signaled a warning towards Yuvan, that he better not do what I think he's doing. But as usual he doesn't care.

"Table No 21. Who would like to sing from here" asked the anchor and my heart was beating loudly in my chest.

"My sis is a Amazing singer. So we vote for her to sing" replied Yuvan and I was shaking my head in a NO.

Rahoul, Pakhi and Armaan looked in shock at first and then started cheering for me. I was still reluctant to sing in front of all these people. But one look at Rahoul and I was a goner. He gave such an encouraging smile that I had to get up and the audience started cheering.

I make my way towards the stage and requested for a guitar from the band. I decided to go with a bollywood song. Telling the band my song I made my way towards the stage.

Once I got the mic, I tested it for the voice and addressed the audience saying "I would like to say sorry in advance that you have to bear this due my duffus of a brother" and the audience laughed "And I'm giving disclaimer already that it's been years since I have performed so bear with me" and I started playing the guitar.

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