A Festival

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The next morning I woke up pretty late. It was already 10 when I got my conscious back. In a hurry I sit up at once and cried out in pain as my back protested against the idea.

The moment my head hit the pillow, my room burst open and my 3 brothers got in to check on me.

Wait last night I had only 2 who can check on me. When did Ayan get here.

"What happened?"

"Are you alright?"


They said all at once. I groaned and tried to sit up again and with the help of my brothers I succeed this time. Yuvan and Ayan helped me sit up and Sparsh placed the cushion underneath me so that I can sit on it.

They were still looking at me questionably so I explained "I forgot that I have a fracture" and they sighed.

I looked at Ayan next nad asked "Why are you here? wait when did you come home?"

"Early morning and Geez I can feel the love pouring for me" he replied sarcastically with narrowed eyes and I glared at Yuvan. I know its his doing.

"You told me not to tell our parents and I didn't" said Yuvan and I sighed

"You shouldn't be here. You'll miss your classes" I said to Ayan

"It was my semester finals dii. It's over. I'm free for a month" he said and I frowned

"No one said you were coming home" I said

"I was going on a tour with friends but when bhai called I cancelled and came here" he said and I felt guilty.

"Awww are you feeling guilty?" he teased and I glared at him

"How's the pain dii?" asked Sparsh

"It's... umm... bearable?" I replied, more like questioned

"How about you forget that I'm your brother and tell me as a Doctor?" he said

"It's paining" i said softly

"Okay... on the scale of 1 to 10 how much is the pain?" he asked like a doctor. Well he is one, but I never saw him as one I guess.

"How about 1000" replied sarcastically and they chuckled

"Okay... how about you freshen up and we all have breakfast" asked Yuvan and I nodded.

He helped me in getting up and they left the room. I went to the washroom to freshen up but it was a difficult task. I was not able to even brush my teeth without wincing in pain. After a lot of wincing and groaning I finally had my shower and came out to find some clothes that would magically appear since I didn't have any fresh ones here.

I gave up and went to my mother's wardrobe to find something to wear. But there was not much to find except maxi and my mom has traditional sense in fashion so it was a dead end. I finally settled on wearing a kurti (long top), it was split open from both sides. It came till my knees and my butt was also covered. I didn't have the energy to bend down and wear the bottoms so I left like that.

I first went to check on the twins. They both were on the floor playing and squealed as they saw me. Viaan made his way towards me, half crawling and half walking, and hugged my legs. I know he wanted me to pick him up.

I bent down to ruffled his hair and he looked up at me with his puppy dog look and I couldn't resist. I bent down and Sparsh yelled which made the twins to cry.

"Do not pick him UP" yelled sparsh and Riya came forward to pick Viaan which only made him cry louder.

I glared at Sparsh and went to sit on my chair where the cushion was already placed. I asked Riya to put Viaan in front of me and took him in my arms. Ayan then bought Innaya on my other side as well. I keep on shushing them and glared at Sparsh on yelling loudly and he looked at me sheepishly.

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