A Weird Day

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The next few days flew by without any complication. Rahoul and I have developed a habit of talking to each other on the phone. He wakes up before me so every morning at 6:30 he would call me to wake me up. He also said for some reason he finds my morning voice very symphonic. And I call him at night after I retire to bed. We won't talk for hours, just for 10 to 15 mins, but it was soothing nonetheless.

Today was the same he called me to wake me up and asked me where I was going for a walk. I explained to him as clearly as I can but I'm sure he must have lost me. Hanging up, I got ready and made my way towards my spot. I reached it without using GPS, I'm familiar with the way now.

I went and sat on the edge, enjoying the view and thinking about anything and everything. That's one of my problems, it takes a lot to get my mind to be calm. While I was busy with my thoughts i heard some rustling behind me. I turned around and saw no one. So I shrugged and went back to enjoy the wind and view. Again I heard some rustling and a sound like a growl?

I stood up and turned around to look clearly. I looked through the bushes, trying to see if there is any animal hiding. On my right I saw what looked like an eye hiding behind a tree. I pulled my brows together to look clearly and indeed it was an eye. I felt like I forgot to breathe. The animal stepped aside from the tree and my eyes widened. It was a WOLF. I thought they were not found here. I have never seen any animals in these woods. I mean I have grown up in here. There was never any news of animal attack or anything. In fact even my parents have never warned me not to go into the woods.

But this, this felt surreal. The wolf was bigger than any dog I have ever seen. It's height was around 5' i think with black fur. But it's eyes were different. One of its eyes is warm brown and the other is ice blue and I shivered.

My brain finally processed that there was a predator standing in front of me and my heart rate increased. I calculated my situation. There is only one way for me to survive and that was to run. But being the clumsy and slow runner that I'm, I don't think that's a very good idea. As if sensing where my mind was going, it growled. And I stilled even more, if that was possible.

Then I remembered, people are always advised to stay still in front of predators because they like chasing. Deciding that it was my only shot, I looked at it. It slowly started advancing towards me. It seems like it was also calculating what I'm gonna do. But the wolf didn't knew I really don't have any choice here. The wolf came and stopped a few feet away from me. It then took a deep breath and put his head between his front legs. Okay... what's happening.

I kept looking at the wolf, waiting for his next move and then I realised I have made a grave mistake. Now that the wolf is so close to me, all the chances that I had of running away has vanished. The wolf took a step towards me and I took one back and it whined. Okay... what was that now.

The wolf took a long breath and sat down in front of me. And I kept myself on high alert, if he tries to attack me. Not that I had any plans but still.

He bowed his head again, as if telling me to sit down and I raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, I don't speak Wolf language but it seems like you are asking me to sit" i said and the wolf huffed.

"Ha... Not gonna happen pal. I'm not here for a date with you" and it huffed again.

"Okay buddy... something tells me you are not gonna eat or attack me right" i said again and the wolf whimpered as if I have hurt his feelings.

"Okay, now that it's settled. I'm gonna go towards my house" I said pointing towards my trail's direction. And the wolf sighed and took a resting position indicating he's not gonna get up anytime soon.

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