CH.19 Accident In Choir.

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I remember one morning where I had an accident in My first period choir class. I woke up late for school this morning and didnt have time to shower or go pee before I headed off to school. When I got there I went to breakfast as I also didnt have time to eat. As I was finishing up I felt that I needed to use rhe bathroom, but after I noticed the bell had rang and it was time for first period. I would have to hold it until after class. As I walked into the choir room I got a blast of cold air which made need to pee worse. I went and got my music and books and sat in my chair while i waited for Mrs. Rob to start class. She eventually did,and while I am a very good student who always pays attention I couldn't today. Choir was my favorite class but I couldn't concentrate because I needed to use the bathroom very badly. I fidgeted and held myself, trying anything not to have an accident. But when there was about 10 minutes left in class we had to stand and sing. I had to go so bad that I knew if I stood up I would wet myself. But I knew if I didn't Mrs. Rob would ask me if I was okay and why I was fidgeting and I would be forced to tell her I had to which would be very embarrassing. I was the oldest student in her class therefore I had to set an example for the other kids. Plus I had never ever asked to leave her class. I always stayed no matter what, and I was beginning to think I should ask,but decided to stay quiet. With one hand holding my crotch I slowly stood up crossed my legs. I wanted to hold myself with two hands but I needed one hand to hold my music. I really couldn't stand still but I tried hard. Every time I took a breath I spurted a little bit of pee out. I knew I wouldnt last much longer and I still had 7 minutes left in class. about 2 minutes later Mrs. Rob told us to sit and relax while she changed the cd to our next songs. I carefully tried to sit down but as I did my bladder gave out and I started peeing full force into my pants. All the while the other kids are staring at me. They weren't laughing at me and then I knew why,it had been obvious I needed to go the whole time and they all looked sorry for me. When Mrs. Rob turned around and saw me I was still peeing pretty forcefully as I had to go really bad. When I was done she told me to follow her to the office.

Part 2 will be in next chapter.

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