CH.46 Pep Rally Disaster

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It was just after lunch and me and Andrew were walking up to the gym. Every Friday we have a pep rally and Andrew wanted to sit by me. As we were walking up there I felt a sharp pain in my bladder. I knew I needed to but I was too distracted by Andrew. We got in there and found a place to sit down. Andrew asked id I needed to pee and I told him a little but that I could hold it. He said Okay but to tell him if I needed to use the bathroom and he will take me. I said Okay and the pep rally started. Today wasn't a normal pep rally it was a glow in the dark one. As we day there I started to fidget as my need to pee grew worse. I eventually started to hold myself. Andrew asked me what was wrong and I told him nothing. He said okay and grabbed my hand. I then remembered that I didn't have a pull up on. My need to pee grew worse and I knew I should have gone...but I didn't. I guess I startled Andrew when I pulled my hand away and shoved it down in my crotch because he looked worried. He then asked me how bad I needed to pee. I told him super bad. He said okay then lets go to the bathroom. As I stood up my bladder contracted........

So guys I updated and its a cliff hanger. I will post part 2 soon.

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