CH.34 HS Choir Accident (cont'd)

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As we got into the hallway Jacob asked me to explain to him what happened. I told him that I felt the need to go but I didnt want to stop in the middle of the song. I also told him that I after it ended I was gonna tell him I needed to go but before I could it just came out. He told me it was okay and that he hnderstands but that I should always tell him as soon as I need to go. I told him okay and that I was ready to change as I didnt want a rash from my pullup. He looked in his back pack but realized he didnt have another pullup. He told me to stay in the hallway while he went to tell Mrs. Rob what was going I'm and that we were going to Mr. Fair's class to get ma a dry pullup. She said okay and we headed down there. When we got to the door of his classroom Jacob went inside to get Mr. Fair so we could tell him what happened. We explained what happened to Mr. Fair and he said that I should have told Jacob i needed to potty, but that he was proud of me for not lying about having an accident (I lie about it quite alot because its embarrassing as you can imagine). He gave me a pullup and I went to change. As I was heading to change Mr. Fair told me to use the bathroom while I was changing to make sure I didnt need to go anymore. I said okay and headed to change. I managed to pee for about a minute. I then slipped on my dry pullup,washed my hands, and headed back out to where Mr. Fair and Jacob were standing. As I reached them they asked me if I felt better after I changed. I said yes and told them that I managed to pee again and they told me good job. Mr. Fair gave me a sucker and me and Jacob headed back to class. The rest of the day went smoothly. I had no accidents the rest of the day and managed to make it 7 times the bathroom. In 8th period Jacob told me that he was proud of me and that he hopes I can do the same thing tomorrow(minus the accidemt that I had). I told him thanks and that I would try and headed home.

Thanks for reading guys and I hope you enjoy.

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