CH.59 Daddy

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My daddy comes I to my room at about 7 in the morning. He says good morning princess and I say morning daddy. I know I need my diapee changed and so does daddy. He picks me up out of my crib and takes me to the changing table. He carefully untapes the diaper. Then he wipes me down really good and tickles my tummy. I love it when he does that. After that he slides the new diapee under by butt and tapes it up. He the. Then starts picking my outfit out for the day. It is a turtle short sleeved onesie with poppers at the bottom. Once he gets it over my head he lays me down and does up the poppers. Then he picks me up and carries me downstairs. He puts me in my highchair and brings me a breakfast on a turtle shaped plate which consists of 1 chocolate chip smiley face pancake a masked up banana and chocolate milk to drink. As he begins to feed me I giggle and laugh. I eat it all up. After that he takes me into the living room and outs me in my playpen and turns on cartoons. Puppy dog pals specifically and leaves to go get my binky. When he comes back he hands it to me and my stuffed penguin named Perry.  He watches tv with me and u play with my toys. Not long after I get to playing my tummy starts to hurt and I start crying. Daddy comes and picks me up and rocks me back and forth. He must know what's wrong cause he starts massaging my tummy. Slowly but surely I start feeling the need to go poopoo. As he continues rubbing my tummy I stop crying and begin to push. Slowly but surely I finish. But I start crying again as I dont like the feeling of a dirty diaper. Daddy calmed down and takes me upstairs to change me. As we are walking I get the feeling i need to go peepee. Right as we walk into the room I let it all go. I have just finished when daddy lays me on the changing table and I cry even harder. Daddy doesn't know why until he undoes the poppers and sees that my diaper is not only dirty but soaked. Daddy lifts me into his arms and says it's okay baby daddy's here to change you. He lays me down on the table and gets to work. I slowly start calming down once the dirty diaper is off of me. Daddy cleans me up and puts a new diaper under me. Tapes it up and picks me up to head back downstairs.

Pt 2 will be added soon. Hope yall enjoy.

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