Allison's P.O.V
I log off my Yahoo account on the computer and glance at the time again, 6:15, closing time. I shut the computer off completely and get up from my desk chair and push it in, smoothing out my skirt and grabbing my Ohio State mug as I walk away from the reception desk. I say goodbye to my co-worker Jason, who gives me a little nod and is still typing away fast on the computer. (He messed up the scheduling this morning, and wow, now I know where Harry gets his temper from, his father was not happy about it, so now he has to stay over to try to fix it again.)
My heels click against the floors as I make my way into the break room where my locker is kept. I walk passed Mr. Styles office, but he calls me in before I make it passed the door. I walk in and smile kindly, still a little intimidated by him....still have to work my charm with the parents, ya know?
"Allison, how have you been? I didn't really get a chance to say hi, Jason made me mad this morning, sorry about that." He laughs, standing up from his desk and placing papers neatly on top of the hardwood.
"Oh, it's okay, you're the boss, that's your job, right? To yell?" I say, hoping it's not to rude, but he laughs, a nice hearty laugh and I relax.
"I guess it is my job to yell then, huh?" He smiles, eyes crinkling, just like Harry's, "Do you have any plans for this evening? Anne is making pot roast, and we'd love to have you over. We haven't seen you since the New Years Eve party, and I know Harry's out of town, so it could just be the 3 of us."
My stomach flips and I begin to feel nervous all over again, "Uh, yeah, I mean. I have no plans tonight, I'd love to come over for dinner. Sounds great."
He smiles and walks towards the door, motioning for me to go first, and we walk to the break room together, "Cheers! Anne hasn't stopped asking Harry about getting together with the two of you. She'll be thrilled."
I nod my head, "Well, I'm glad. I'll definitely be over then. But uh," I take a quick breath, "Have you spoken to Harry recently?"
Robert tilts his head and gives me an odd look, "Come to think of it, no, I haven't. Haven't spoken to Harry since about a week ago."
I pinch my lips together and nod my head, looking down at the ground and watching my feet take steps, "Oh, okay. No big deal, you know, or anything. I was just wondering."
"Everything okay?" He asks, holding the door open for me to walk in, I thank him quickly before going back to the conversation.
"No, well. Yeah, No. He was having problems with his phone, I just wanted to know if it finally died or if he called you for help." I don't know why I lie, and it's a horrible lie, but Robert doesn't seem to be paying any attention to my stammering, because he's looking down at his phone.
"Oh, nope, haven't heard from him," He looks up and smiles, "Well, that's Anne texting me, saying I need to pick up some wine since we're expecting a guest tonight. She's so particular and wants everything perfect, that woman drives me mad."
I giggle and blush a little, "Please, tell her don't make a spectacle out of me coming over, it's just.. Well, it's just me."
Robert laughs and gently touches my shoulder, "I would say I will pass along the message, but it's Anne, and you're the girl that's stolen her son's heart away, so she's trying to treat you like royalty really."
I blush even more and bite down on my lip, "Oh well, like I said, it's really no big deal. What time should I come over?"
"Could you come at 7:00? I know it's a bit of rush, but we usually eat straight when I come home from work. This old man falls asleep fast during the work nights." Robert winks and we both laugh.

Dominant (Harry Styles)
FanfictionShe looked down at the contract in front of her, thinking of only one thing: She wanted to be with him, no matter what it took. "I'll sign it." *WARNING* - Contains many, many sex scenes, curse words, and BDSM relationship.