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Trisha Mitchell is a despicable person. There was no one on this Earth who I hated more than her and I'm sure she would say the same about me. The witch snaked her way into my life by marrying my father when I was only thirteen years old. My mom passed away when I was about ten. She had cancer for a really long time. She was the strongest woman I've ever met. I loved her so much. We were best friends. Everyone said I was a carbon copy of her; Our similar long locks of brown hair and large blue eyes. Since then my dad never talked about her. I knew her death hurt him just as much as it hurt me. Her absence left a toll on everyone. Anyone my mother has ever crossed path with loved and adored her because she was smart, friendly, and beautiful.

I was having the best sleep of my life when I felt talons dig into my shoulders shaking me awake. The blinds were pulled wide open and the sun literally blinded me.

"What the hell?" I hissed, trying to block the sun with my arm. My eyes finally adjusted and it landed on the witch herself.

"Charlotte. Get up this instant. You're going to be late." Trisha said.

"Late? Late for what?" I leaned over to check the time and was impressed that I managed to sleep all the way till 1:30 in the afternoon.

"The Grey family will be here soon. Get dressed and look presentable and for once in your life please don't be such a huge embarrasment." She said before walking out and slamming the door shut behind her.

The Grey family? I've heard of them. They were daddy's biggest busniess partners. I don't know much about them as the family business wasn't really something that intrigued me. I've run into them before at parties and read things about them in magazines, but other then that don't really know much. I had no idea why this meeting was so important that they were coming over to our house and I had to attend, but I'm way too hungover right now to try and pick a fight with Trisha and dad about this, so I got up and made my way to the shower.

After a quick shower and managing to get rid of most of the black eyeliner under my eyes, I quickly did my makeup. Just as I was applying the finishing touches of my mascara, a loud bang on my door scared me making me accidently get mascara all over my top lid. Fuck.

"What is it?" I yelled at the person who so rudely slammed on my door.

"They're pulling up the driveway. Get down here now!" Trisha screamed at me.

Shit, shit, shit. My hair isn't dried yet and I didn't even change.

Quickly I cleaned up the mascara and ran to my closet to find something to wear. I quickly scanned my closest when I found a cute yellow dress and some brown sandals to go with it. I decided that I would just buckle the second sandal along the way to save some time. I ran out of my room and down the long stairway and basically hopped on one foot to the front of the house trying to buckle my sandals. After sucessfully buckling my sandals and being quite proud of myself for getting ready so quick, I stood up straight only to stare back at everyone else.

My step mom had a look of pure horror on her face, my dad looked amused, the Grey family had friendly smiles, but their son had a stone cold face.

I could feel my cheeks turning red as if I had just gotten caught with my hand in the cookie jar, but tried to play it off cool. I straighten out my dress and held out my hands to Mr and Mrs. Grey.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Charlotte, but everyone just calls me Lottie" I smiled

Mrs. Grey took me by surprised and pulled me into a hug. "Just call me Sarah" My arms were stiff at the surprising gesture, but when I came to I hugged her back. Well at least she didn't hate me unlike my crazy stepmom who I'm sure would give me an earful later for my "unlady like"entrance.

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