Chapter 3

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After Lauren and I had our break we decided to head back and look longer tomorrow. We both jumped down off of the roof and got onto our horses. We were heading back to Mount Barker.

"I might stay out here a little longer" Lauren said.

"Ok. Just stay safe" I said.

I rode off alone heading back towards Mount Barker. I looked back and saw Lauren watching me ride off. I then looked forward and kept riding. It's a long ride, also a terrifying ride, as I have to ride right past Crafers to get to Mount Barker. It's now even more dangerous then it ever was. I slightly closed my eyes and let the breeze flow past my face as I rode.


I was sitting on my bed. Listening to Stella's cries. She never stops. She just goes on and on. What ever I do to try to stop her from crying never works. I feed her, I keep her hydrated, I change her diapers that are now made out of fabrics from curtains and bedsheets. I do lots for her. But she just cries and cries.

I rested my head onto my hands and closed my eyes. I was waiting for Hayley to come and babysit her, because I am on radio duty. Port Adelaide was nice enough to give us a radio that's still works. It can be used to communicate with people from long distances. It could probably pick something up from America, maybe even further.

Someone knocked on my door and I quickly stood up. I opened the door and greeted Hayley. As she walked in I quickly walked out and headed towards the radio. I got to the room it was in and closed the door behind me. I sat down on the chair and started to cry. I was just like Stella. I quickly wiped the tears away from my eyes and turned to face the radio. I turned the dial on and turned up the sound. I then listened as closely as I could.

I've never picked anything up from the radio. There's not many people out there anymore. If there was we would of seen them. I closed my eyes having no hope. I was about to fall asleep when the radio started to flicker and buzz constantly. I quickly opened my eyes and turned the dial as much as I could. I tried to listen carefully. But it was just talking static. But it was a person. Soon from turning the dial a lot I started to hear the person more clearly. It wasn't just one person. It was multiple people. Having a conversation.

"All fuel has been out for a year now. It sucks not to be in those helicopters anymore. Now they are just for show" A man said.

"I know how you're feeling man, I loved the view from up there. Maybe one day we will find some kind of fuel replacement" A woman said.

"This channel isn't for conversations! Get back to work! We still have a lot to do. The walls are no where near finished!" Another man said.

"Yes sir, sorry sir" the man said.

"Sorry Zabi won't happen again" the woman said.

I was shocked. There are still people out there. Somehow. It was kind of hard to hear everything but they were talking about having no fuel for their helicopters. Maybe they are from the military. I quickly switched through different channels changing the dials every now and then to get a clearer quality. But I couldn't hear anything else. I fell back to my chair. I thought about it for a few seconds but came to a conclusion that their voices were not Sam's. They sounded older. So this came from another group.

I switched back to the channel I heard them on and waited to see if they were gonna say anything else. I laid back and waited. I was waiting for hours, but no one else was talking. I was very tired. But because I heard something over the radio I was wide awake.

"Gabriella?" Samantha said.

I turned around and saw Samantha walking in. She looked scared and worried.

"I was looking everywhere for you" Samantha said.

"Sorry to scare you. I thought I told you I had radio duty?" I said.

"No I don't remember. Have you heard anything on the radio yet?" Samantha said.

I looked at her for a few seconds. I tried to think of what I should of said. Should I lie and not tell anyone, so I can learn more about these people. Or should I tell her and cause people to wanna check this place out, especially to see if Sam was there. I looked into Samantha's eyes.

"No, nothing yet" I said.


I watched Ana as she rode off towards Mount Barker. She looked back and I smiled. She then looked forward and kept riding. I heard a zombie coming up behind me. I grabbed my spear quickly and turned around. I stabbed it in the head and took out the spear, without looking. The zombie fell to the ground and I put the spear back onto the horses saddle. I saw about two more zombies coming out from the trees so I quickly rode away.

I stayed as far away from Ana as possible as I followed her back. We got to the freeway and I stopped. She didn't notice me which was good. I have to go into Crafers. I have to kill Alpha. She has to die for what she did. I continued to ride ahead. I saw Ana riding past the Crafers exit. I stopped at the exit and looked in. I saw the twelve pikes that Alpha used to put the decapitated heads onto. I had a small flashback of watching Sam slowly walking up to the pikes. I could remember him crying over losing Megan.

I quickly shook my head and rode in as quickly as possible. I took out my spear and charged in. I rode past the car Luke and Tyler stayed in and I picked up speed. I made it to the mine and stopped right at the edge of it. I looked over the edge and only saw about three zombies. The horde wasn't down there anymore.

I quickly rode to the Whisperer camp. I jumped off my horse and saw Harry's head hung up on a tree, with a couple other heads. I looked around and saw everything was gone. All of their things were gone. They must of moved, like they said.

"Dammit!" I yelled throwing my spear to the floor in anger and frustration.

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