Chapter 26

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We were all on the beach. All in formation. The shielders at the front. The sword group behind us. Then the spear throwers and finally last at the back are the archers. We were all set to practice. Everyone was using the new shields.

We set up buckets along the beach to act as zombies. I was in the middle of the group and I was giving orders to everyone. I looked at everyone. They looked ready.

"Archers!" I yelled.

The seven shielders including me ducked down and the archers all pulled back their arrows quickly shooting the buckets accurately. Over the five days Gabriella taught the archers well.

"Up!" I yelled.

All the shielders stood up.

"Open!" I yelled.

Every second shielder made an opening for someone with a sword to run through. The four people quickly ran out and cut a few buckets in half. They quickly ran back behind the shields and we closed the opening.

"Spears!" I yelled.

The shielders all got on their knees and the people with the spears all threw their spears at the last few buckets.

"Up!" I yelled.

All the shielders stood back up. We were ready. This was it. We were all ready to fight. We haven't been training for very long. But we are already looking good enough to go to war and win.

"Good work everyone" I said.

Everyone dropped their weapons and shields into a container nearby and walked over to the club rooms to have a break. I saw Andrew, Jonah and Georgia all riding towards us. They stopped and got off their horses. I walked up to them.

"Anything?" I asked.

Andrew got off of his horse and walked up to me.

"I'm sorry. We haven't found anything yet. But I'm sure we will soon. We have covered a lot of ground" Andrew said.

Andrew turned around and noticed the graffiti on the wall of the club room. It must of been last night because someone came here and graffitied the wall again. It said 'Silence The Whisperers' like all the rest. There are about six back at the community now.

"Another one" Andrew said.

"Yeah. I think it's the seventh one" I said.

Andrew looked at everyone who was training and smiled.

"They are looking good. We saw them training when we were riding over the bridge" Andrew said.

"They are doing well. It's only been a week and they are all capable of fighting" I said.

"You guys should really train with zombies instead of buckets" Andrew said.

"There aren't many hordes out there anymore" I said.

Andrew turned around and looked at Georgia and Jonah. He then faced me.

"Well. We are going out again. We just came back to tell you how we were going. I'll see you soon" Andrew said.

"See you soon" I said waving to Georgia and Jonah.

I watched them as they got on their horses and rode off. They are good people. They are really trying hard to find Prince and Samantha. Hopefully soon they will find them. I turned around and walked to the training group.

"Alright. You guys did well today. Let's head back home now. We will come back out here tomorrow for more training" I said.

Everyone grabbed all the weapons and shields and we all walked back to the community together. Because Annie and Jay are training with me there are new guards up on the guard post. The guard opened the gate and we all walked in. As we walked in I saw the graffitied wall near the front gate. I saw everyone look at it as we walked past it.

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