Chapter 11

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Hayley and I stayed at Mount Barker together. She stayed with me which was nice. But everyday she asked me if I wanted to leave yet. I always said 'no'. I can't leave this place. I was here since the start. This is my home.

I was sitting alone on a bench. I liked the quietness. The only people here is Hayley and I. There's no talking anymore, or loud noises. It's just silence. I rubbed my eyes as a tear went down my cheek.

I heard someone walking up behind me. I turned around and saw Hayley. She slowly walked over to me and sat down next to me. She put her hand onto my back.

"Ana. I think it's time. We are gonna run out of food tomorrow. We will have to move to Port Adelaide. We can't stay here any longer. I'm sorry" Hayley said.

I rested my head on the top of the bench. The bench smelt like burnt wood. I was trying to think of other things other then leaving. It's hard for me. I've been here longer then anyone.

I slowly lifted my head off of the bench and faced her. She looked into my eyes and smiled. Her facial expressions were always so comforting.

"I want to do something. Alone. Then I'll go" I said.

Hayley nodded. She looked confused. She was wandering what I was wanting to do. But she knew she shouldn't ask me. So she stood up and left me alone. I picked up a piece of chipped wood from the bench and rolled it around in my hand.

There are two things I am wanting to do before we leave. I want to put up a sign saying that we are in Port Adelaide for Sam and Lauren if they ever come back. I also just want to go for a quick walk. I need to get all of my thoughts out of my head for a couple of minutes.

I threw the piece of chipped wood from the bench away and stood up using the bench for support. Once I was up I walked over to the armoury. We had a metal sheeting inside of it. So I quickly grabbed it and put it up leaning against a bench. I then walked back to the armoury and grabbed some white paint. I walked back to the metal sheeting and took off the lid of the paint.

I dipped the paint brush in it and started to write on the metal sheeting. The paint brush was very dry and hard. But it was the only thing we had. Once I was done I stood up and walked backwards to see it fully.

I wrote, 'Sam and Lauren, we are alive in Port Adelaide'. I grabbed the paint bucket and the paint brush and put them back into the armoury. I walked out and headed towards the front gate. I opened it and walked out. I closed the gate behind me and went for my walk. I walked past a few dead zombies laying on the ground.

I continued to walk. I was walking around the fences that surrounded Mount Barker. I started to cry as I remembered the time I had here. I remember meeting Sam for the first time. I remember bringing him back with a friend and then leaving without his friend. I remember when Sam fought against Thomas and killed him.

I still think of Thomas. He was very different. Before the apocalypse started he was a nice man. He went out to watch the footy with his mates every week or so. He cared for me everyday and he loved me. I remember him hitting me because he was drunk. He always was an alcoholic. But I still loved him.

But I had respect for Sam, after he ended Thomas' rein. He wasn't Thomas anymore. He was someone else. He changed. I slowly came up to a large dead tree. I got on my knees and dragged my hands across the tree where it was marked with 'Thomas'. This was where I buried Thomas. Well what was left of him. I closed my eyes.

1,404 DAYS AGO

I woke up with Thomas' arm around me. I grabbed his wrist and slowly pulled it off of me. I kissed him on the forehead and slowly crawled out of bed, trying not to make a sound so Thomas doesn't wake up.

Once I was out of bed I slipped on my slippers and walked to the kitchen. I grabbed the coffee maker and put water into the bottom part then I put grounded coffee beans onto the sieve and then twisted them together. I then put it onto the stove top and turned the heat on.

I sat on the kitchen bench table watching the clock go around as I waited for the coffee to finish. Once it started bubbling I quickly got up and turned the heat off. The bubbling sound stopped and I picked up the coffee maker and got a cup. I poured the coffee into the cup and added some milk. I then walked to the lounge room and sat on the couch to watch some tv.

I turned the tv on and flicked to the news. It was just the normal. A bad car crash, a murder and then some random stories like about a man who saw the dead come back or something. Sometimes it's funny what people make up to get on tv.

"Hey honey" Thomas said behind me.

I turned around and saw Thomas walking into the kitchen.

"Morning" I said.

He poured himself a coffee and walked over to the couch and looked over me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry about last night. I had a lot to drink" Thomas said.

The thing was that he 'had a lot to drink' everyday. I looked down at my arm and saw the bruises and cuts he left me from last night. He beat me hard. Like he does everyday. I slowly looked up at him.

"It's fine" I said as my eyes went watery.

He kissed me on my forehead and I kissed him back.


I opened my eyes and saw a zombie walking towards me. I quickly took it out and stood over Thomas' grave. I spat on the tree.

"Screw you" I said.

I slowly walked back to the front gate. I was ready. I was ready to go to Port Adelaide. I was ready to leave this place. My home. I was ready.

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