Chapter 29

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I looked over the map that Ana found. Things here are falling apart, and we need to find help. We need to get this place back up to its former glory. I looked around at everyone. They are packing up all of their things. We are heading to Melbourne. The safe zone which was marked on the map. We are hoping that we will find something there. Because if we don't. I'm afraid we are going to be in a lot of trouble.

I rolled the map up and put it underneath my arm. I grabbed my bags and closed my door to my room for what could be the last time. I chucked my bags into the wagon and jumped on. Georgia handed me the leash. I looked at Georgia and smiled. We were all lifeless after Ana's death. We don't have many emotions left. We hardly talk to each other either. She saved us all. She hardly knew us.

I slowly looked behind me and saw the entire community all on wagons. We were ready to leave. We may never come back. But after years. Communities start to fall apart. As people's deaths change us forever. But we just have to find a way to keep moving on. A way to never give up.

As we rode out of the gates of Port Adelaide I looked behind me. It's going to be hard to forget this place. But it's time to move on. It's time to start a new and fresh life, and when we are ready, we will move back. We will rebuild. We will create the future that Sam visioned.

I had my eyes fixed on the road. Dodging old rusted cars while trying to stay on the road. I was gazing at the road in front of us. I watched it as the road was quickly moving underneath us. I saw two zombies on the side of the road. As we rode past they tried to chase us. But they are too slow. I looked behind me as someone from a wagon behind us took out the zombies. I looked forward. My head started to hurt. All of a sudden I was thinking about the attack. I remembered us all sitting around Ana as she slowly dozed off. She wasn't even scared. She seemed proud.

A few tears ran down my face. I quickly wiped them away. It's going to be a long ride ahead. I rested my head back on the seat and kept on riding forward.


I opened my eyes. I swapped with Georgia so I could have a break. I looked up and saw a sign. It looked clean. Cleaner then normal. The sign was easily readable. Signs back in South Australia were hard to read because the text all faded. The sign read 'Welcome to Melbourne'.

"Guys. You might want to see this" Georgia said looking back at Jonah and I.

I slowly sat up and looked out. We were on a high mountain road. I could see the city. I couldn't believe my eyes. I could see a large concrete wall all around the city. It looked as though it took a long time to build the walls.

As we were getting closer I started to think. What if there aren't any people here? I mean the only kind of luck we get is bad luck. We've been surviving one fight to the next, and I don't think I can take it if we were to lose another person.

We were entering the suburbs. The roads looked clean. Like someone was here recently cleaning them. I slowly stood up on the wagon to get a closer look. As we were slowly riding up a hill I was shocked.

I could see hundreds of people. Laughing. Walking and running around freely. As we rode up they all stopped and faced us. Georgia slowly stopped the wagon. I slowly stepped out of the wagon as the wagons behind us stopped as well. I slowly walked towards them.

"I would like to know who's in charge?!" I asked.

The people looked scared. They slowly stood back as a man stepped forward. He has a black beard and a black moustache. He is dark skinned and has a very short mohawk that didn't spike up. He was wearing armour which was completely orange and had black stripes along it. He reached for his back and aimed an Assault Rifle at me. I slowly put my hands up.

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