Chapter 9

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I woke up. I looked over at Prince's bed and saw him fast asleep. I slowly crawled out of beds and slipped my shoes on. I slowly got out of bed when someone knocked on my door. I slowly walked to the door and opened it.

It was Gabriella. She looked worried. She handed me a note. The note read 'I'm sorry. But I've been playing this make believe story for too long. I am leaving to find out who I really am. Don't come looking for me. Let me be. Use your time to find Sam. Thank you. Lauren'. It was from Lauren. I closed my eyes and let out a sigh.

"Is she gone?" I asked.

"She is. She must of left either last morning or last night" Gabriella said.

"Ok. Does the people know?" I asked.

"Most do. I told them" Gabriella said.

I nodded. I was so frustrated and angry. I just wanted to scream. As loud as I could. But I took a deep breath in and walked out of my room closing my door. Gabriella and I both walked out together. She kept looking at me every now and then. She obviously had something else to say.

"Ana. There's one more thing" Gabriella said.

I looked over to her. I was nervously waiting for her to tell me what else has happened.

"There's a few people who are wanting to move to Port Adelaide" Gabriella said.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"Because there are no leaders left to lead them. Now there is only you and I, and they think they want more leaders making decisions, so a few people are wanting to go to Port Adelaide" Gabriella said.

As we were walking I saw the large crowd of people waiting patiently for me.

"I thought you said a few" I said.

There was definitely more people then just a few. Probably more then half of our community was wanting to go to Port Adelaide. As I got up to them one of them yelled out.

"We want to go! We don't feel safe anymore!" A woman said.

I was angry. I needed to let my anger out somehow.

"Fine. Go! Leave this place! Destroy everything we have done over these years. Everything we have worked towards. Everything we hand done! Are you all just going to walk away from it!" I yelled.

"We are. We are all ready to leave now" A man said.

"Fine!" I yelled.

They all nodded and slowly people started to turn around. Slowly they walked out through the gate. I watched them as they all walked out. Gabriella looked over to me. I was so pissed about Lauren. I walked past Gabriella and Samantha and I walked away.

Gabriella followed me. I turned around and looked at her.

"Leave me alone" I said.

"We need to have a meeting. We need to talk about this" Gabriella said.

I stopped walking and turned around.

"Fine" I said.

I followed Gabriella back to where the crowd was and saw Claire, Hayley and Samantha all waiting for me. Gabriella and I walked up to them. Samantha quickly hugged Gabriella's leg.

"What are we going to do?" Hayley said.

"Should we go with them? I mean, we can't keep this community going with only a handful of people" Claire said.

"No! We need to stay loyal to this place. I've been at Mount Barker since the start. I'm not going to just walk away from it, we're not going to" I said.

Everyone went silent.

"What? Do you agree with her?" I asked.

"Well she's not a bad idea. We're not going to do well by ourselves. We should just move on. We have to. Samantha and Stella need to have a life they can live. The best way I can give them to that as of now is to move. We aren't gonna last here. Not with this amount of people" Gabriella said.

I nodded no. I was out voted.

"I think we should stay here. We can't give up" Samantha said.

Samantha is too young. No one would listen to her. I was still out voted. But then I had an idea.

"What if we stay here for a month. Just one month. If everything goes well. We all stay here. If it doesn't we all move to Port Adelaide. What do you say?" I asked.

They all looked at each other. I looked at them with my eyes wide open, hoping that they would agree with my idea. Gabriella nodded yes and looked at me.

"Ok. We will give that idea a go. But if we do start to struggle I will go straight to Port Adelaide to protect Stella and Samantha" Gabriella said.

"Ok yeah. That's fine. Thank you. Thank you so much" I said.

Hayley looked at me.

"Guys. I'm gonna go to Port Adelaide now. Look I'm sorry but. Most of my friends were apart of that crowd that left. I want to go with them. I'm sorry Ana" Hayley said.

I didn't say anything. I just looked at her. She looked back at me as she hugged Gabriella, Samantha and Claire. She then hugged me and walked away to get her gear. I closed my eyes and pinched the ridge of my nose. Everything was going down hill. All because of the Whisperers. They ruined our way of life. I hope that we don't come across them, ever again. I'm afraid of them.

"So. I don't mean to bring it up right now but, what are we going to do with Paul. He has been locked up for a while now" Claire said.

"I don't know. He's not our priority right now. We've got more problems on our hands than him" I said.

"But. We have the time to make a decision" Claire said.

"Fine. There's two things we can do. Execution or we leave him in there. Which one?" I said.

Claire looked over to me worried. She then looked to the ground.

"Leave him in there" Claire said.

"Ok, then that's final" I said.

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