Chapter 28

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I walked off of the stage as everyone walked away. Andrew, Jonah, Georgia and Gabriella all stayed behind. I walked up to Andrew as they all came in closer.

"So where are they?" I asked.

"Welland Shopping Centre. They have a horde. It sounded like a lot. Maybe over a hundred" Andrew said.

"What about the thousands of zombies that Alpha used to attack the Adelaide Oval?" I asked.

"I don't know. But for sure there wasn't that many there. Maybe she lost the horde" Andrew said.

Everyone went silent. Georgia looked up at me.

"What is the traitor is still amongst us? What if Paul wasn't the traitor?" Georgia asked.

"We will keep the plans between us. We will attack late at night tomorrow. When they least expect it. We will get back our people" I said.

"Should we train the new members who joined us to fight?" Andrew asked.

I looked over at the twenty new volunteers. They were all waiting for us. I looked through the group and spotted Connor. He must want to fight as well. I looked at Andrew.

"Teach then as much as you can. Tomorrow morning we can have last minute training then we go to war" I said.

Andrew nodded as he quickly ran over to the new volunteers. Georgia and Jonah both walked away and it was just Gabriella and I. She turned around to face me, and gave me a big hug.

"Thank you. For everything you're doing for Samantha" Gabriella said into my right ear.

"I'm not just doing it for her. I'm doing it for Sam. When he comes back I'm pretty sure he would want to see his little girl" I said.

Gabriella smiled and put her hand onto my shoulder. She walked away probably heading home to take care of Stella. I stood out in the open with my hands on my hips thinking of tomorrow. Something bad could happen. We may not return home. That's what I think every time I go beyond the Safe Zone.

It was about six o'clock at night. It was still light out though. I was pretty tired so I walked home. I got into bed and pulled the covers over me. I quickly fell asleep.


We've been training on the beach for the entire day. I think the new volunteers are getting the hang of everything. We all look strong. Together I believe we can win this battle.

It's going to be getting dark soon. We are gonna have to leave soon. Everyone was resting with their weapons. They were all quiet. I think they were all preparing for the worst. They were trying to think about their lives, as this may be the last day of their lives.

All I could hear was the wind slowly blowing past and the sound of the water coming up and down the beach. I grabbed my shield and put it onto my back. Earl the blacksmith put straps on them so we can put them on our backs. I walked out in front of my people. I still can't believe I am the leader of this place.

"We will be leaving soon. But before we do I would like to say something. Sam had a vision of what the world would look like in the future. He believed that the communities would be working together. Building more. He believed in all of us. Before we go, I would like to tell you Sam's last speech. Before he disappeared" I said.

I took a large breath in. I don't know how I remember it. The speech was just so inspiring for all of us. Especially because it was his last. I cleared my throat.

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