Chapter 5

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"I didn't want to keep this from you. But we have picked something up on our radio. We have picked up The New Orders channel. Now we know they are out there still. I decided that I am going to send a team over to Renmark to check it out. It's possible that maybe they could have Sam. They took him last time, maybe they took him again. Gabriella I want you and I to go there to check it out. Everyone should stay here. Thank you" I said.

Everyone walked off to continue what they were doing. Gabriella walked up to me.

"Why didn't you tell them about the Whisperers?" Gabriella asked.

"Because Lauren wants to try to find them and kill them. I don't want her getting herself killed" I said.

I heard someone walking up behind me.

"Why can't I come?" Lauren said.

"We need you here. The less people that go the better" Ana said.

"I'm coming whether you like it or not" Lauren said walking past me.

I couldn't stop her. I just need to hope that the Whisperers aren't there anymore. Because if they are I'm afraid Lauren will try something stupid. I watched Lauren walking away. She walked to the gate and waited there so she could leave with us. I looked at Gabriella.

"Let's get going" I said.

We walked past Claire on the way to the gate.

"Hey Claire can you keep things together, while we are gone?" I asked.

"Sure. I'll try" Claire said smiling.

Gabriella and I kept walking to the front gate. Lauren grabbed a spear and got onto a horse. Gabriella and I also grabbed a spear each and got onto our own horses. The gate opened and we were ready for our ride. The guard chucked us down a bag full of food and water for the ride as the ride is about a day and a bit. I put the bag on and we rode out. At first we went slow so we didn't put too much strain on our horses.

Lauren looked at me. She looked pissed off. Probably because of the argument we had before. I think I might of gone a little too far by threatening her but she was way out of line. We rode in silence and took small breaks every now and then so the horses could rest. It was slowly becoming dark so we stopped at a two story building. It looked like some sort of business building for something. But I guess it doesn't really matter anymore.

There were vines grown over the door. I jumped off of my horse and took the vines off with my spear. I then opened the door and walked in. I used the spear to make sound so if there was a zombie inside it would come to me. But after searching I couldn't find any zombies. But I could hear something upstairs. I slowly walked upstairs. But as I got to the top I saw a woman hung up by a rope. She must of tried to kill herself but didn't know that no matter if you die you still turned. She was very decayed so she must of been like that for a while. I stabbed the woman in the head using my spear and took her down. I then dragged her out.

"It's clear!" I yelled.

Gabriella and Lauren moves in bringing the horses inside. Luckily the horses could fit through the door. Lauren closed the door behind her and pushed a cupboard in front of it. We hitched the horses downstairs and we all walked upstairs. We set up a small fire and all sat around it. I handed everyone their water bottle and a bit of food. We didn't have much so we had to ration it to make the trip.

We were all silent. Mostly because of the drama between Lauren and I. She didn't look at me once. Soon I started to feel tired so I laid down next to the fire and closed my eyes.


I woke up to Lauren and Gabriella packing up. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"I slept in" I said.

"Thought you could use the sleep. We still have at least another couple of hours and then also the ride back" Gabriella said.

I slowly stood up and grabbed my bag. Lauren and Gabriella was ready to go so we all walked downstairs, grabbed our horses leashes and walked outside. We all got onto our horses and rode out. We rode past a few zombies, who were slowly limping across the road. They were the only zombies we saw through the rest of the ride. It was pretty quiet. Zombies are slowly disappearing. They are either being killed by other survivors or decaying. Everyone has seen them decayed. Especially the ones that has been since the start. They are so decayed you can hardly even notice that they used to be a living human.

As we were riding we came across a large sign. The sign read 'Renmark: 10 kilometres'. We were close. As we past the sign I noticed that it had a large crack through it diagonally. It also had a few vines around it. It was also a little saturated.

We rode past the sign. I was excited to get this over and done with. I just wanted to get back home and rest. We were coming over the last kilometre. We could see Renmark in the distance. I saw a large fence around it. But as we got closer I saw one of those fences knocked down. As we got to the knocked down fence we could see dead bodies all over the place. There were both zombies and people. We all got off of our horses and hitched them to a nearby light pole.

"Lets look around. To see if we can find anything of use. If you find something yell out" I said.

Gabriella nodded and walked off but Lauren just turned around straight away and walked off. I decided to go another direction and searched for anything of use. I was manly looking for clues of what happened here. As I was searching I found a zombie dead on the floor with clean hands. I got on my knees next to it and checked to see if it was wearing a mask, and sure enough it was. The Whisperers must of attacked these people.

I stood up and walked to the nearest house. The door was already wide open so I walked in. I searched every room but couldn't find anything. But then I came across something on a table. It was a map of Australia. I picked it up and looked at it. There were about five crosses on it. In different places. On the bottom of the map there was a legend. It said that crosses were safe zones. Next to the map I found a diary. I picked it up and opened it to the first page. It said 'Where is my boy?'. Sam's dad must of been looking for him as well.

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