Chapter 27

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It's been too long. Samantha and Prince have been gone for eight days now. I'm scared for them. They are with dangerous people. We need to find the Whisperers soon. Because there's apart of me that's telling me that if we don't, they might kill them. Unless they are dead already.

I looked over a map we are using to mark out the area we searched. We have been searching areas further away from Port Adelaide. But maybe the Whisperers are closer then we thought. I stopped my horse because I had a thought. Georgia and Jonah stopped as well and turned around to face me.

"What's wrong?" Georgia asked me.

"The Whisperers have a horde right? Well if they still have a horde then the horde would have to be in an open space. We should search for places with large open areas" I said.

"Ok. But where?" Jonah asked.

I opened the map again and quickly skimmed over it. I rolled it back up and put it into my horses satchel.

"I don't know" I said.

Georgia rolled her eyes and rode up closer to me.

"Figure something out. Because Kane is dead you are our group leader. So just stop, breathe and think" Georgia said.

I looked down at the ground and thought for a few seconds. Should we stick together as a group. If we did then we would be safer if we did find the Whisperers, except we would search less ground. But if we split up we would be in higher danger but we will search a larger area. I slowly looked up at Jonah and Georgia.

"We're going to split up. Stay quiet, stay away from zombies. If you see a glimpse of what may be their hideout ride away and contact someone" I said.

Georgia and Jonah nodded.

"Georgia, I want you to search this area some more then move on a few kilometres east. Jonah I want you to do the same except go west. I'll take north. I'll see you guys soon" I said.

I rode away as fast as I could heading north. When I couldn't see Jonah and Georgia anymore I slowed down and kept my eyes peeled for any clues. It was another beautiful day. Even with the dead walking around. After these many years. After humanity fell. There was nobody to look after their houses, their roads, their cars, everything just rusted, broke and grew. Which made most rides colourful from all the different vegetation.

I ignored the sights and kept looking for clues. It's been hard looking for the kids. We've covered a lot of ground, and we haven't found anything.

I was riding slowly down the road. I knew we probably wouldn't find the hideout today. We might never find it. I came across an intersection. I rode up to it and stopped in the middle of the road. I stopped and took a deep breath. I was tired. I haven't slept for a long time.

As I was dozing off I started to hear moaning in the distance from zombies. I laid my head down on my horse and waited for the zombies to get closer. But it didn't. The sound was ongoing. It wasn't getting closer or further away. I listened to the zombies. It sounded like a large horde. Could it be the Whisperers.

At that moment I felt something grab my leg. I quickly looked down and saw a zombie trying to eat me. I quickly kicked it away and grabbed my mace. I hit the zombie in the head as hard as I could while I was still on the horse. The zombie fell to the ground. I caught my breath and headed towards the horde.

It wasn't a long ride. I could hear it coming from a nearby supermarket. I hitched my horse to a tree and quickly ran over. It was the Welland Shopping Centre. I walked along the building. The horde was inside. I could hear it. I got to the corner of the building and looked around.

I saw a small fire and a lot of sleeping bags. Then I saw a few people sitting down. But as I looked closer I saw that those people were skinning zombies. I quickly hid behind the wall again. I found the Whisperers hideout.

I quickly ran back to my horse and jumped on. I unhitched it and quickly rode away. I grabbed my walkie talkie.

"I found them. Meet back up at Port Adelaide, avoid the Welland area" I said.

I quickly headed back towards Port Adelaide. Once I made it I saw Georgia riding in as well. The gate opened and we both rode in together. We got off of the horses and hitched them. I saw Jonah running over.

"What now? Someone should tell Ana" Georgia said.

"I will" I said walking away to find Ana.

I know that the training would be over by now. As I walked closer to the centre of Port Adelaide I started to hear a large crowd. As I turned a corner I saw Ana up on the stage with the crowd around her cheering her on. I stood there and smiled. It looks like people have changed the leader.

I slowly walked towards the stage. Ana saw me and looked straight at me. She knew I was back early. She quickly walked off of the stage and walked towards me. She put her hand on my shoulder. She looked very desperate. She wanted to find these people. She wants them dead.

"That was quick" Ana said.

"I found them. We should attack them soon" I said.

Ana nodded and hugged me. She walked back to the stage.

"Andrew has found the Whisperers. Who ever wants to join the army put your hand up and fight with us. Fight for our freedom, fight for the ones they have killed. Fight for our future!" Ana said.

Everyone started to cheer. About twenty more people put their hands up. This means we would have a forty person army. I smiled as people all cheered.

"Silence the Whisperers! Silence the Whisperers! Silence the Whisperers!" The crowd yelled continuously.

Ana punched the air. That's when I knew that we will win this war.

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