Chapter 15

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Port Adelaide was a little bit smaller then Mount Barker. But it's a great place. The people here are really nice. They have a nice variety of crops for food and lots of space for people to move in. Mount Barker was a big place. It's nice to move into a smaller place, I've meet more people because of it.

I was sitting up on a balcony, leaning on the edge of the railing. I looked out at everyone working hard. I sipped my coffee from my cup. I couldn't believe this place had coffee. I looked behind me and saw Samantha drawing. Next to her in a homemade wooden boxed crib was Stella. Samantha wasn't smiling like normal. She looked upset. But I'm not very good at cheering kids up.

I looked out at everyone again. I saw someone falling over and dropping bags of corn on the floor. He laughed as people came over to help him out. They laughed together and then kept going on with their jobs.

I miss when things used to be like that. Before the Whisperers everything used to be a little happier. We would joke around more. But then after the Whisperers, after finding out they are back. I'm on edge. So is Ana, and we can't decide to either tell everyone that we were attacked by the Whisperers or keep it to ourselves.

I wiped away a bit of sweat from my forehead. I heard Samantha sobbing behind me. I turned around and walked over to her putting my cup of coffee on the railing. I got down on my knees to get to her height and put my hand on her shoulder.

"What's wrong sweetie?" I said.

Samantha tends to cry every now and then. But she always tells me that she's fine, and she just wipes her tears away. But this time it was different. She looked at me. She looked so upset and heartbroken.

"You know how Ana hugged Prince yesterday?" She said.

"Yeah? What did you want a hug as well?" I asked confused.

"No. She said that she missed Prince so much, it reminded me of dad. I miss him so much. I'm starting to forget his voice. I'm not trying to but it keeps fading away." She said.

I looked into her eyes shocked. I didn't know what to say. She started to cry even more so I rubbed her back.

"I'm starting to forget as well. I don't want his memory to go. But everyday a small part of him that I remember goes and I can't do anything about it. I just keep going somehow" I said.

I can't believe that I'm talking to a four year old like this. I couldn't believe how smart Samantha was either. Samantha looked up at me. Her eyes sparkled due to her crying.

"What was my mother like? My dad told me a little about her but I want to know more" She said.

I nodded. I thought back. Her memory was fading away as well.

"Well, I remember she was determined to become a great mother. She would of been a great mother as well. She was so caring. She cared for everyone just like your father did. That's why they were inseparable. They loved each other so much. That live would of been carried out to you because they both definitely did a good job with Megan. She was happy. But that's who your parents were" I said trying to keep my emotions back.

Samantha wiped her tears away and gave me a cute little smile. Samantha is strong. Just like her mother and father was. I guess that's where she gets it from.


I was with Prince in my room. I was looking over the map with the communities marked on it. There were quite a few. There were four. One of them was scribbled out. It must of been North Adelaide.

I decided that I was gonna show Connor the map. I rolled the map up and held it in my right hand. I walked over to Prince and pat him on the head.

"Go look for Gabriella. I'm gonna go see Connor" I said.

Prince nodded and we both left out the door. He ran off to Gabriella's house, while I headed for Connors. When I got there I knocked on the door. I waited a minute until he opened the door.

"Ah, Ana what do you need?" Connor said.

"I want to show you this map that we found" I said.

Connor nodded and walked out of his house. He closed the door and locked it. He put his hand on my back and walked me towards the meeting room. Once we got there he sat down and crossed his arms.

"So what's this map?" Connor asked.

I rolled out the map on the table. Connor looked at it for a couple seconds then looked up at me.

"What's it for?" Connor asked.

"It's a map of communities around Australia. Every circle is a community. There's more people out there then we thought" I said.

Connor nodded he then looked up at me.

"And how do you know that these are communities? Even though the title says it how do you know?" Connor said.

I pulled out the diary. I didn't want to show anyone this but I had to.

"This diary has information about each community" I said.

"Alright, then what do you want to do about it?" Connor said.

"I think we should send a group out to the closet community" I said.

"All the way out in Melbourne?" Connor asked.

"Yeah. It would be a good experience for us. We've never traveled out of South Australia" I said.

"You've only been here for one day and you want to leave already. Why don't you stay a little bit longer. Then leave on your little mission in a week or so" Connor said.

"I'm not leaving, I'll be back" I said.

Connor nodded and sighed. He then looked up at me.

"Fine you can go out there tomorrow. But you are gonna need a group of people. I know a few people that can help you" Connor said.

"Ok thank you" I said.

I rolled the map up and walked outside. I walked past the prison that Port Adelaide has. I saw Claire sitting outside of it out front of Paul's cell. She still loves him even though Paul was a coward. Claire is a nice person. But she's stupid to still wanna be with a man like him.

As I was walking back home to put the map back I saw Gabriella with all the kids. She looked happy. They all looked happy. Gabriella is a great mother. I smiled as I walked past them.

"Hey Ana!" A man yelled behind me.

I turned around and saw a handsome man running towards me. He stopped and caught his breath. He then looked at me.

"Connor told me to say hello, because I'm coming with you to Melbourne. So hey my name is Kane nice to meet you" The man said putting out his hand.

I could feel my heart beating. Kane. All I could think about was Kane. I remember. Him being alive one day, and dead the next. I took a deep breath in.

"Hey" I said shaking Kane's hand.

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